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Member since
June 2019

7 posts

I'm utterly defeated by it all

13.03.2019 the knock

10.02.2021 finally court for sentencing (adjourned 3 times) downloading category A,B, C going back 12 years (over 64,000 images including toddler and babies) hidden camera images going back 7 years.

I didn't get support about what he was allowed and not allowed to do (didn't know much until months after the knock and actually most I found out after his arrest in Nov 2020) so I tried to give him contact to our children, he's their dad and I thought I couldn't do that(plus he was a suicide to begin with and I thought it gave him something to live for when I thought it was all a mistake).

He's never really kept contact up over phone for very long and I had to keep reminding him. Now he's in prison.28 month sentence of which he'll serve 14(bloody ridiculous) and sending g letters to the kids as if he's the best father ever and talks about with ni g competitions in prison, reading, working in the library.

I hate it its asking me sick. He's acting like its all fine.

When he gets out this time next year what rights does he have to the children? Hes o the register for 10 years what does that mean for the kids?

I'm out of my mind with worry. I don't want him near them but do I have any rights? I feel more punished than him

Posted Wed February 24, 2021 1:22pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Hi there,

Since he is a parent he will have some rights and has the right to go to family court for visitation.

SOR is basically the legal need for him to register details to the police, it is a misconception that it restricts contact with children. The sexual harm protection order (SHPO) set the conditions to limit contact with children. E.g. my partner cannot be alone unsupervised with under 18s. Tho not everyone has the same SHPO conditions, but most state no contact with kids.

My partner is currently seeking supervised visitation rights at a contact centre. The process is very long (he submitted to the courts nearly a year ago). His ex doesn't want him to have any contact with his kids, but he does have the right to use the courts. I can't say what the outcome will be, we hope some sort of contact will be allowed. If the courts allow then it will be a court order that his ex must follow. E.g if she defaults too often then she could be fined (is my understanding).

So it is up to you but just to note that if family courts set requirements that could make you feel like you have less control? Sounds like you tried to set contact and at the time he flaked alot, maybe his attitude will change after prison.

Maybe speak to your SW for further advice or the family rights group.

Big hugs

Posted Thu February 25, 2021 8:07pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Oh to note the family courts will want some sort of assessment done on his risk to the children.

Posted Thu February 25, 2021 8:08pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

7 posts

Thank you @majestictopaz15

I'm going to speak with a solicitor I think. I get that as a father he has rights (although I'm not sure I totally believe that all the time after what he has done).

Posted Sat February 27, 2021 11:07amReport post

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