Family and Friends Forum


Member since
February 2021

1 post

Posted Sun February 28, 2021 3:55amReport post

Hi everyone I have been following some of peoples story on here for a few weeks and finally got the courage to ask for peoples advice my friend who is 22 he still lives at home with his parents he got the knock in june 2019 police had reports that someone had downloaded iioc from his IP address between 2018 to early 2019 so they took everything including his parents laptop and android tablets they all had interviews and during the interviews none of them had an solicitor present as they didn't think it was necessary anyways they waited around 7 months for the devices to come back and they found iioc on 4 devices ranging across all categories just under 1000 iioc was found the main suspect was my friend who's 22 but one of the devices that had stuff on wasn't his it was his dads and all the devices have been shared between him his dad his mother and even his ex girlfriend when they got my friend into an second interview he denied all allegations of viewing it and simply said he doesn't know how it got there and that someone could of hacked it so they got his dad back in and he denied all allegations that it was him and said same that someone could of hacked them so the police sent 2 of the devices back currently waiting for them results to come back but my main question is how are they going to get a conviction if all 4 devices was shared I really don't think it is my friend iv known him a long time but then again we don't know what happens behind closed doors I'd like to think it's not him but at the moment hes main suspect sorry it's so long but just wanting to know if cps would take it on

Thank you so much for reading it all

In limbo

Member since
January 2021

55 posts

Posted Thu March 4, 2021 1:06pmReport post

Hi. hope you are ok. It must be almost impossible to work out who downloaded it. Hopefully the person that did will own up for the sake of the rest of the family. How can someone deny it, knowing other loved ones are suspected?

I got the knock 10 months ago and our computers were taken away for examination. My computer was returned after about 4 months, but his mobile, laptop and stack computer has not been relaesd. They said if anything was found they would keep items as evidence. then it will be destroyed. the mobile was in my name , but he used it. now we are apart no one will tell me anything.

Not knowing is the worst thing. I cant begin to imagine what your friends family is going through. Also have any of the devices been returned to you? I.e the ones with nothing on them?