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Posted Sun February 28, 2021 10:34am
Edited Mon March 1, 2021 8:04pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

The solicitor should be sent a copy of the shpo ahead of the sentencing date. I would suggest that you make the solicitor aware and ask that should those types of conditions be applied that they argue to get them changed.

I've seen the following that could impact mobile phones:

no use of cloud storage (that pretty much rules out all smart phones)

no use of a device that can access the internet without monitoring software (the software is expensive and i've not heard of anyone using it on a mobile)

I've also seen (all of these would allow for smart phone usage)

no use for cloud storage without notifying

no use of a new device without notifying

no deleting internet history

If he needs it for work does that mean that it's a work device?

Posted Mon March 1, 2021 2:56pmReport post


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February 2021

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Posted Mon March 1, 2021 5:52pm
Edited Mon March 1, 2021 8:04pmReport post


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February 2021

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Posted Mon March 1, 2021 5:54pm
Edited Mon March 1, 2021 8:04pmReport post


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

If it helps Angie I've just sent for a new router for in our house. I don't have laptops ( police have them). My husband is on bail for iioc. He's very very remorseful and like your situation and a hell of a lot of men he's told me he had had a porn addiction and it took him down a dark path. He's doing modules, he's put a porn blocker on his own phone and I'm doing it for all iOS devises in the house via ee using Norton software that you can use on iPhones and iPads, you can set up your own parental ( or in our case controlling porn searches, it blocks anything that flags up stuff) controls and I set up the passwords and my husband won't know them. I have a daughter who's 18 and son 16. The knock for us was about 8 weeks ago and it was the most traumatic experience in my life ever. I think that's good advice asking the solicitor to check over an shpo order as my husband does his whole life on his phone. If they want them to rehabilitate and build theirs life back especially if they are very remorseful I don't think it would help that you can't access the internet at all!. It would be more beneficial all round if there was monitoring software on the phone plus if your partner is showing willing like he is then they just work round that!

Posted Mon March 1, 2021 6:28pmReport post


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August 2019

240 posts

You will be able to have whatever devices you want to use provided that if he uses them he does so within whatever restrictions are put in place.

This is a really long journey I would not focus too much on what might happen down the line, as otherwise you will drive you mad.

Unfortunately these are the consequences that men who access these types of images / have these types of conversation will face. While it's possible to find a new normal and try to build a new life, I won't sugarcoat it for you, it will not be the same as the life you currently know.

Posted Mon March 1, 2021 6:34pmReport post

Jane c

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June 2020

33 posts

I would recommend he talks to his ppu as my partner was done for breach of his SHPO for using an iPhone and police had it destroyed as was not allowed cloud services and iPhone have cloud services but there should be away to disable the iCloud

Posted Mon March 1, 2021 6:49pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Often social media cannot be used by anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offence, regardless of SHPO conditions, as it's in the terms and conditions of that app. Facebook is definitely one that can't be used.

Posted Mon March 1, 2021 7:45pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

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With regards to social media. If offenders do use them and is against the terms and conditions there isn't much these sites can do except ban you. And maybe report to the police but I doubt they can do anything unless they have evidence of offending e.g. iioc and communication with children.

Depends on the attitude of the police liaison and probation officer. They have said he should not be using social media but haven't stopped him. They have access to his accounts so can monitor his social media. But I guess it depends on the risk. He won't have Kik because that is a red flag to the police. It isn't against his SHPO but because Kik is so poorly regulated his risk would go up just for having an account.

Posted Tue March 2, 2021 10:56amReport post


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November 2020

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kik is the devil's spawn and if I could I'd get that shut down alongside all the other social media sites because and this is just my opinion, they bring nothing but grief and trouble and I wish my husband had never gone near kik :-(


Posted Wed March 3, 2021 11:11amReport post


Member since
October 2018

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Annie, I know how you feel about kik. It's horrid and I knew nothing of the app until all of this. I still don't know how my husband knew about it and it seems to be the place to go to get illegal kicks.

My husband has an SHPO and is allowed the Internet etc, just isn't allowed to delete the history. Has to advise if he changes phone or buys any storage devices etc.

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 8:16pmReport post

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