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Autism Question please

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Member since
January 2019

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Posted Wed January 23, 2019 8:39pmReport post

Hello all

This is the first time of me posting. My son is 22 years old and on the Autistic spectrum as well as having ADHD. Since 5th Feb last year he has been in prison for breaking his bail conditions - its been such a long 11 months as we have been through the whole fitness to plea which has delayed things but to cut a very long story short he is due for sentencing soon. I am really struggling to find any counselling / support for rehabilitation for someone on the Autistic spectrum. Whilst he only has mild Autism we did try one on one counselling with Lucy faithful prior to him breaking his bail conditions but it didn’t stop him re offending. He was approaching young boys via social media befriending them and then asking for photos! It makes me feel sick - but he is my son and has really struggled in prison and I need to know that I have some support in place for when he is released from Prison. But I can’t seem to find anything out there that is adapted for the Autistic brain. If anyone has experienced or is experiencing a similar situation or able to offer me any advise I would appreciate it so much. Just one desperate mum trying to hold my family together. My heart goes out to you all that are suffering it can be so lonely! X


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Wed January 23, 2019 11:27pmReport post


Have you tried the national autistic society? If they can't help, which they should be able to, they could tell you who may be able to.

Can probation help? Has your son got a social worker, as he's on the spectrum he may be able to get help that way

What about charities that are invitedi with Autism? Autism Anglia?? There will be others

Hope some of that is of some help, I've worked with adults with autism for over 20 years ago I know the problems the condition brings

Had your son has a capacity assessment done for this?

You're doing really well, stay strong xx


Member since
January 2019

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Posted Thu January 24, 2019 8:41amReport post

Hi Tracey

Thankyou - I really don’t feel as though I’m doing well, just feels like I’m banging my head against a brick wall if I’m honest! I’m waiting for someone from the national Autistic society to come back to me but they couldn’t immediately put their hands on anything. He has only just seen his probation officer last Thursday for his prison assessment & doesn’t have a social worker. This is all new to me and I’m not quite sure how the prison system works just keep finding bits out as I go along.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.


Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Posted Thu January 24, 2019 1:41pmReport post

Hi - just wanted to reach out to you, but sorry don’t have any answers. As has previously been suggested the NAS is your first place to start. You could also approach your local authority for an assessment in order for him to get a social worker. All local authorities should have an Autism Strategy so try googling it for your area. It depends how his autism manifests as well - some people with ASD develop OCD which may. E linked to him being unable to stop. I don’t know if you can afford it but maybe go private as sorry to say the assessments for adults with autism are pretty few and far between.

So sorry not to be able to offer more. X

Worried mother

Member since
January 2019

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Posted Thu January 24, 2019 8:00pmReport post

Hi all,

My son has global developmental delay and we recently received the knock! He was taken to the police station without an appropriate adult when I questioned this initially the police said he didnt need one then the officer in charge called me to get to the station Asap! My son was crying and admitting to the offence, talking to under age girls, he was literally crying for help. E came home the same day with bail conditions which he is sticking too. He has to return to the police station in about a weeks time. He is very confused and just keeps saying that those he was talking to probably weren't who they said anyway. He had also said he was trying to talk to others to stop them carrying out the same offence that he was doing. I can't seem to find much about possible consequences for his actions, unsure whetjervhe will even come home when I take him to the station next time. He just doesn't live in the real world and doesn't seem to understand what may happen. He is off to have a counselling assessment tomorrow that may help.

Good luck with it all Exhausted1 if I have any news that may help I will be sure to share.

Worried Mother



Member since
January 2019

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Posted Fri January 25, 2019 8:57pmReport post

Thank you Big Sigh & worried mother! Xx

Which way to turn

Member since
April 2019

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Posted Fri August 23, 2019 1:32pmReport post

Hi, this is a very interesting read - I realise that your post was a few months ago now but it may be of help to someone


Member since
September 2018

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Posted Fri August 23, 2019 4:52pmReport post

My husband is on the autistic spectrum (mild aspergers). He attends therapy which is compassion based and has found it very useful for all aspects of life. While it is geared for people on the spectrum they are able to help and accommodate any needs. It depends where in the country you live as to how available services are. It's worth finding out what therapy etc is available then approaching them about his additional needs. My husband became addicted to fairly repetitive sexual conversations and failed to stop a conversation with a minor (undercover officer), he has many repetitive behaviours and is quite easily lead. Therapy as well as attending Saa has really helped him with his porn chat issues, how this lead to the offence, how to stop and find better ways to deal with stress and how to feel better about himself. Probation may be able to advise if there is anything in your area and the work he will do with probation will help him also. hope you are able to find the help he needs.


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September 2018

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Posted Fri August 23, 2019 4:53pmReport post

That should say it's not geared for people on the spectrum.


Member since
September 2018

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Posted Sun August 25, 2019 7:19pmReport post

I don’t know if you will find them helpful but circles of support and accountability are supposed to specialise in helping autistic offenders.

Lucy from Stop it Now!

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September 2018

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Posted Tue August 27, 2019 5:40pmReport post

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September 2019

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Posted Sun September 15, 2019 8:43amReport post

@Exhausted1, I know I'm a bit late to respond to this! Though I couldn't skip this post just like that. I feel you. Here you are a mom struggling for your son and a few years ago I was with my mom fighting for my brother! I feel your son and my brother were the same. He is an ADHD person and was an autism offender with sexual difficulties that was against our law!

Just like you, we never walked out from him, instead, we stayed and strived. Everyone around us was watching us like people who were supporting a criminal! That isn't a fault, actually, our society is not that educated about autism and ADHD kids or their conditions/life/family!

Please don't lose your hope, this too shall pass.

God's grace, my brother is doing far better now! We have got help from the National Autistic Society, They helped us to find support groups and similar people and families too. Also, we got recommended to an ADHD coach, by one of our support group members. He isn't changed fully, but he has improved a lot within these 2 years. He is continuing his coaching and sessions, he is kind of busy always. He is happy too.

I hope the National Autistic Society can offer some advice( Please keep in mind that opening hours are in GMT (UK).

Stay strong. Lots of love and prayers.
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