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No sleep for 3 days

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Mon March 1, 2021 11:15pmReport post

Hey guys!

I don't know where else to turn I'm 3days into no sleep.

I don't know why it's all of a sudden hit me. Husband was arrested in December 2019 and in December 2020 file was sent to CPS for charging decision.

Everyone tries to reassure me no news is good news but I just keep not sleeping and when I do doze I have nightmares of losing my husband going to prison and raising the kids alone.

I wake up and realise I've been asleep for 45 mins max. I am starting to dread the nights.

My heart is breaking in two ????

I am on anti depressants and anti anxiety pills but nothing is taking away this anymore.

I just know I can't lose my husband.


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Tue March 2, 2021 1:46pmReport post

Hi lovely!

I am on the highest dose for my mental health meds (have been on meds for years) I cannot change them due to my other medical issues.

It's exactly that I wake up and the thoughts just keep going through my head wondering if I will lose my husband. We have done so much work to get him back on track mental health wise like a counsellor and his medication. And I truly believe if he goes to prison I won't see him again and prison will break him.

I just feel so broken nothing makes me feel any better anymore. At least before when they were look at devices you knew it would take a few months. With CPS you have to live in hope that someone who doesn't know the entire other side will see this as what it is rather than assume what it is.

It's just mentally exhausting ????

In limbo

Member since
January 2021

55 posts

Posted Tue March 2, 2021 3:48pmReport post

So sorry to hear you are struggling to sleep. Sleep deprevation is awful. Like you I am on anti depressants for anxiety. I struggle to sleep most nights and wake up 3 or 4 times in the night. I make sure I go to bed the same time each day and get up at the same time. If I can not sleep I read a book in bed or do a crossword. Also I only drink water after 6pm.

You say you have both worked really hard on your husbands mental health, but what about you. Always being the strong suppotive one is exhausting.You need to look after yourself to be able to support your husband and to stay strong. Your mental health is just as important. Have you tried listening to "white noise" i.e calming water sounds, as i find this helps me.

Hope you get to sleep ok tonight.


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Wed March 3, 2021 12:12amReport post

Hi hunny, I feel your pain and your anxiety too. I describe it as like a snow globe... Our emotions settle a little and then something happens and bam....its shook up again!

The limbo we get left in - 9 months for us so far - we learn to find our new normal but there's the overwhelming fear of what is to come.

I am presuming your husband isn't able to live at home right now? Mine can't either but we spend lots of time together as a family. The comfort in approaching the next stage is.. Its one step closer to our end goal or reuniting as a family. Like you... I cannot contemplate a custodial. They seem few and far between now for online offences. If worst case scenario they do happen they are fairly short.

Hoping and preying for a good and fair outcome for you hunny. Xxxxx


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Wed March 3, 2021 9:17amReport post

Hey lovely people!

I have tries reading a book but as soon as the book is closed I find myself having the thoughts running through my head again.

My husband is living at home and we are living under a safety plan for the kids! But it's exhausting because he isn't allowed to be alone with them and that makes everything worse as I've always got to mindful so it's like my brain is never switched off.

Thanks for all your lovely comments I am going to speak to GP tomorrow and see if there is anything at all to help me. I have a 3 month old so sleeping pills at the moment aren't recommended.

Hopefully this will end so hopefully it is good news!

I pray to God that he doesn't go to prison.


In limbo

Member since
January 2021

55 posts

Posted Wed March 3, 2021 10:18amReport post

hope you managed to get some sleep last night.


Member since
March 2021

4 posts

Posted Sat March 6, 2021 10:40amReport post

I know how you feel this is the third day for us husband has been remanded in custody for his own protection due to his health issues he has clammed up and will not speak so a no plea was entered in court so it is no going to crown court I know he will not survive a prison sentence due to his mental health not sure if I could copy with him if he is allowed out as I have not been well as he knows but I think he is just thinking of himself and not the rest of us having to deal with the results of what he has done which none of us know as he is refusing permission for us to be informed