Family and Friends Forum


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November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 12:59pmReport post

Just wondering if SS have to go along with what probation tell them?

Probation told hubby yesterday they're going to help get him back home and I'm wondering if SS can oppose this


Autumn Gold

Member since
February 2021

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 3:26pmReport post

After the court case I reopened our case with SS; as it had been closed, to help my husband get home. We then had to undertake another risk assessement. One of the criteria for my husband's SHOPO brought about by the pre-sentence report; was that he was to have no unsupervised contact with females under 16. We have a teenage son.

Our risk assessment included the SW contacting the probation officer to discuss my husband and the pre-sentence report and their findings. It also looked at the age of my son; his knowledge of the offence; the work he had undertaken with SS to keep himself safe and get the manager's sign off before it was agreed that my husband could come back home. This took about 7 weeks.

My husband was allowed back home; I do not have to supervise contact with my son.

In my experience probation will help dependent on the presentence report; however from a SS stance it also depends on what work has been done with the family to allow this to happen.


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November 2020

224 posts

Posted Tue March 2, 2021 3:36pmReport post

Hi everyone

I have no idea regarding the SHPO

SW has just said today that her assessment is concluded and before she can tell me about it her manager has to sign it off..

Probation told hubby they will get in touch with SW and vice versa and they also told him that he will be going home and they'll be helping that happen..

As for anything else I really don't know..he received a 3yr community order and 5yr on SOR



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November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 3:39pmReport post

He also has to do 30 days of probation spread out over the 3yr community order



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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 3:48pmReport post

Autumn gold we have also had 2 assessments done and numerous CIN meetings.

Probation are also sending hubby on a course I believe and also getting him some counselling I don't know how any of that sounds to you, just hoping it's positive



Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 3:49pmReport post


Will SS listen to probation though xx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 4:08pmReport post

I guess you never can tell with SS..I was under the impression they had to follow what probation advise and suggest



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November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 4:16pmReport post

I thought of the family rights group and I'm waiting for them to verify my account and then I will also ask there for advice..

As for a family lawyer,I doubt we could even afford one to be honest.

Maybe I'm just thinking the worst ,really don't know..all I know is probation were positive and would be making that referral with SS



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November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 5:13pmReport post

Annie 1964 have u had a look at the stopso form room hun and the website I found out a lot of help from them,, hope u get what u want from this xx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 5:36pmReport post


Where can i find that? Do u just type it into the search engine?



Member since
January 2021

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 5:53pmReport post

Annie, just out of interest ( I am only 8 weeks in, not even heard back from SW yet) when you say get your husband home?. What if home is the only place he can go?. Does that make sense?. My husband is currently at home, it's a very strange limbo to the outside world ( apart from the betrayal of my MIL!) no one else knows. We are following the bail conditions of course. But of this drags on for my husband like in a lot of peoples situations my son could be 17 ( he's 16 now) my daughter was 18 last year. My husband couldn't live anywhere else so what do SS expect you to do?, I mean we ain't gonna go into financial ruin potentially having my own children loose their home! How would that be protective bringing that much stress on them!?. I've had my initial assessment, last time I spoke to her it was two weeks ago ( they aren't very urgent are they!) she said she's still waiting for info off the oic. My husband hasn't be charged yet and his next bail is in April. I just don't get why the SS don't update you?. I also don't know how they can make judgements based on one visit to my home and a chat with my son who's responses were typical teenage boy!!. She said she'd likely close our case but my god they don't half drag their heels about it!. Sounds like to me Annie your husband will be home soon. Bet you can't blimmin wait and are finding it so frustrating!! Reading all your posts you've literally done EVERYTHING!

Edited Tue March 2, 2021 5:58pm


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 5:57pmReport post

Annie, yeah just google stopso. I'm gonna join the forum on there too. Do we use the same name as on here?


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 6:22pmReport post

Annie, like autum gold I had to push for an assessment from SS for my husband to return home. They had closed our case and didn't want to reopen it. My husbands probabtion officer was instrumental in helping him return home so it's good to have their support too.


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 6:38pmReport post

Annie yes put it in Google hun xx there many from here over their to xx


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November 2020

224 posts

Posted Tue March 2, 2021 6:40pmReport post

Louise I dnt even know how to join the forum on stop so

Ive no idea what to do x


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 6:42pmReport post

Belle bee so is it a positive probation telling him they're going to get him home and back into his own environment xx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 6:52pmReport post

Ive sent stop so an email asking to join the group..fingers crossed I've done it correctly x


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 7:07pmReport post

Yeah Annie I think that's what you do love, send them an email and I'm sure I read it's a closed forum. I'll look later too xx


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November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 7:13pmReport post

What does that mean Louise, closed forum?



Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 7:28pmReport post

Hi Annie

Closed form means more private and u can messages people individual thro private email,, I have found it very helpfull with questions about sw and easier to keep track of individual messages xx


Member since
November 2020

224 posts

Posted Tue March 2, 2021 7:59pmReport post


Ive just seen your other post..I just feel that after all we've done,after the court outcome,even after probation saying they're going to get him home ,it still feels like it's not enough..surely if probation weren't confident enough about that,they'd not be able to say it ?? Surely they must have seen from 2 meetings with my husband that he's either low risk or no risk for them to have come to the realisation that they're going to get him home ? Also I'm guessing that they'll feed all this back to SW aswell?

We don't own our home but its not an option for him to live at my dad's permanently and I believe hes told probation this and i know hes told SS this..people may think I only want him home for the intimate side of things,that's really not the case..I want him home to he able to support him,to be there for him,to show him we can get through this and our daughter needs him here aswell because and ive not told SW this but our daughter said she might aswell not be here if dad can't come home..

I know court day was a.good day and the beginning of the end but how much longer will it all go on for ? I know there's been damage done,but hes not a bad person..God even the judge could see that and I told SW that today, surely all that has to go in his favour?

Its crap that we're all going through this..ive never felt as pants in all my life like i do right now



Member since
November 2020

224 posts

Posted Tue March 2, 2021 8:20pmReport post

Vickie thanks for the advice x


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 8:31pmReport post

I get all that Annie

We are fighting two side at this moment probation and sw they are all saying my partner is on SOR AND SHPO I have rang everyone the court, solicitor, dc in charged and all saying there is no mention of any of these orders. Then sw and probation have got him down for release for mid June and its not till July I have asked where they have got this from and the answer is the court and I was like nope cause that's not what they are telling me so now asked the solicitor to step in and see if he can find anything out,, my partner has had a letter saying case closed and no through action to be taken, on the transcript has at the end says CPS say no requirement to sign any register,, just want the nightmare over xxx and to be able to move on I get Ann what ur saying my daughter is 4 and cries at night to the point of falling a sleep because she just wants to talk to her dad my son is 13 with additional needs. His self harm has gone through the roof because he just wants his dad,, he not a bad man just done something bad and I and him want him to get the help so he can still be a part of our life's xxxx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 9:04pmReport post

Oh vickie I'm moaning and look at you and yours..our daughter is 12 almost and credit where credit is due, throughout all of this she has coped brilliantly and hasn't been phased by any of it..she started her 1st year at high school last Yr and has done so well all things considered..but still wants her dad back..shes allowed to speak with him on the phone as long as its on speaker and I'm in the room, but we also have contact in the community at the moment but thats not ideal due to some of the weather we've had and we can't always afford it as it costs a small fortune and we have to sit in the open to eat and we've no sooner bought it then it goes cold..

SS don't get all that I don't think..husband was given a 3yr community order and 5yr on the SOR and as previously mentioned, probation have told him that they're going to get him home..surely that's a positive for SS when probation seem to think hes either no or low risk..

I feel your pain i really do and I hope u get somewhere with SS..xx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 9:05pmReport post

Vickie I also feel that there's no communication between SS or anyone else that's involved..they just seem to drag their backsides and i think they actually enjoy doing it xx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 10:01pmReport post

Yea I think that to,, then all u hear is I need to speak to my manager or that not the information I have. Where did you get that from,, what I have been told is the truth and that's the end of it kind of thing like u should not question it or how dare question what I am tell u kind of thing,, then they wounder why people have negative opinions about sw. Then to ask in the report she only thinks I am working with them because it's the right thing to do it's so tring all the time xx

Wow what a incredible girl u have,, so wise and why should they not have their parents in their life as long as it can be done safely and why should our partner not be given that opportunity to show they can change if that's what they want. U can't make someone change they can only change if they want to,, and to protect them and others support to move on is what they need if that makes sense. Support from muilt agencies and family if that's possible. Like many have said this should not define someone,, hope u get all u want from this Anne for urself and ur family xx x keep us updated xxx

Edited Tue March 2, 2021 10:12pm


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue March 2, 2021 10:55pmReport post


We are so so proud of her and her resilience in all of this..but she has never once let it get to her..she even said last week that she knew her dad wasn't going to jail because she can tell the future :-) I have done everything I can to show SS I can keep her safe from doing courses, to family safety plans to indoor security camera, SW even said she can see that I am able to keep her safe..

Sending best wishes your way and ill keep updating when I know more



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November 2020

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Posted Wed March 3, 2021 11:02amReport post

Bless u Anne

I am rewriting all mine for when she next comes just trying to get hold of the transcript from the court so I can show these orders she keeps going on about are not on their,, then just sorting it all out x

I am glad sw see u as a safe person xx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Wed March 3, 2021 12:18pmReport post

Hi vickie

She may see me as a safe person and can see that I'll keep her safe even after all I've done to prove I am but she could still say no to him coming home xx


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Posted Wed March 3, 2021 12:50pmReport post

Yes they can and I think we try all we can to show we want to help and I am strong believer of rehabilitation and family support plays a very big part if the individual wants to change x

I wish u all the best hun x