Family and Friends Forum

Proving change to SS and probation

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Member since
February 2021

3 posts

Posted Wed March 3, 2021 11:32amReport post

I'm sorry if this has been posted before or more than once but I thought it'd be a good idea to double check.

What ways and recourses does everyone know of that aid in proving to probation and child services that the offender is truly ashamed and wants to do better/ move on?

It seems increasingly difficult for probation officers and social services case workers to believe that people convicted of sex offences can be remorseful and honestly hate that they have this hanging over their heads forever.

Are there any legally recognised rehabilitation or counselling courses/methods that my partner can access to back himself up?

Willing to look into literally anything even if it has to be paid for. Also any experiences/ tips would be massively welcomed.

Thank you

Edited Wed March 3, 2021 11:32am


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Wed March 3, 2021 5:50pmReport post

Hi there,

Having the same issue with my partner. He was sentenced in 2019 and has less than year with probation. He is going through the various assesments and required work/courses but is painfully slow. He is currently going through the family courts to get visitation rights for his kids. So far CAFCASS were given a ARMS assessment from probation to review. The ARMS assessment was written a year after sentencing and wasn't as comprehensive as it could be due to covid.

The ARMS assessment made a comment that my partner has not been able to demonstrate he fully addresses his previous behaviour and the harm he has done to victims, but this was due to probation had not yet explored this in much depth- but CAFCASS took this out if context and made no consideration to the fact covid has delayed everything.

My partner has also done the inform course run by LF which he found super helpful. His probation officer has agreed they will have meetings more regularly so that they can explore the remorse aspect sooner and before family court hearings. But I worry the damage is done and he will be viewed as someone who doesn't care and will just do whatever he is told to get access to his kids. CAFCASS attitude seems to be they think he does the courses for tick boxing.

Essentially they are damned if they do and do damnes if they don't try to rehabilitate.

Nevertheless I recommend your partner ask probation and SS to work with him on assessing his remorse.


Member since
October 2020

21 posts

Posted Wed March 3, 2021 6:07pmReport post

We had the knock in Oct 2019 and my partner has been honest from the word go. He admitted to the police team that he had viewed iloc but that he had deleted it as soon as he realised what it was. He immediately got in touch with Stopso and began counselling the following week. He still has zoom sessions, which have now dropped to monthly sessions. We have discussed what other options are there for him to show his remorse and address his issues. He is a very intelligent man, who has worked with disadvanted youths during his career. He has not had any urges to view porn etc since the knock, and feels that is testament to his will power and his commitment not to offend again. He has certainly shown remorse but to those who do not know him, may not be able to see that. He knows that although I am standing by him, if he regresses than that will be the end of our relationship and he would lose everything. In the past, he realised that some of the youngsters only did the required courses to satisfy those in charge and it made no difference to their behaviour. I can understand what he is saying, but am worried that it may not be enough for those who have the powers to sentence him. ????