Family and Friends Forum

Can someone on the SOR live near a school?

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Member since
September 2020

42 posts

Does anyone know the rules about this or does it vary between different offenders? I've not had much luck finding out online. Thank you

Posted Thu March 4, 2021 1:47pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

SOR itself only has requirements around notifying the police about addresses, bank accounts, passport etc. It does not have any restrictions.

SHPO is where they enforce restrictions, those must be applicable to the offence committed. So for internet based is usually limited to internet activity.

However, for a SOR living near a school is probably not going to be taken too kindly by the community should the community find out. And we all know viligante groups like to take matters into their own hands. They could try to make life difficult to force someone out and to move.

Unless you are in the country, there are schools everywhere and so not being near one isn't always practical. I certainly wouldn't recommend that someone on the SOR moves to within line of sight of a school though regardless of whether there are any restrictions stopping them, just for their own safety

Posted Thu March 4, 2021 3:49pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts


Im in Scotland but I think it's the same scenario throughout the uk. My son commited a communication offence and he was sentenced to prison time. Fast forward to recently as he's due home soon. We had to have an address cleared for him to go to so we put two addresses forward. One is half a mile from a school and the other is five hundred yards from a school. Both were cleared as okay for him to go to. We chose to have the one half a mile from the school.
I had a long chat with the social worker about what the requirements would be to get an address cleared. Bear in mind my son is on register but thankfully no shopo. Social worker explained to me it's not really about schools or parks for that matter. It's to do with them doing a sweep of the area. Social worker does her check, then it goes to ppu as well as the school? They all do their checks and as long as there are no vulnerable children, disabled children or special needs or vulnerable adults very close by your house they usually clear the address as suitable. She explained this means people like fostered or disabled kids as well as special needs adults. There were none in that proximity of the addresses we put forward. Interestingly, I know that there are 3 other people on the register within one mile of where my son is going to live when he comes home so work that one out.

Its a hard choice of where to live because of schools and kids being almost everywhere you go. I wouldn't want to close to a school just in case parents got wind of it. I'm not that happy even being half a mile from a school but in the end, I ran out of options. My son asked about living out in the country side where there are no kids about. He was told this was likely not to be passed because he would be seen to be isolating himself in society. This really annoyed me because my uncle had a great house in the country that he was happy to allow us to live in. In the end, like I say, I ended up having to pick the address half a mile from the school x

Posted Thu March 4, 2021 7:47pmReport post

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