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It doesn’t sit right with me if he didn’t mean to do it..?

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Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 9:35amReport post

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Edited Sun March 7, 2021 10:39am


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 9:59amReport post

The solicitor is right, the law sees it as if someone knows they have iioc, not report it and then proceed to delete it it is seen as hiding evidence.

I'm not sure how advanced investigations are to figure out if the files were viewed first before deleting. Also the courts may consider the fact he continued to download porn knowing that iiocs might occur but continued with hiding and deleting. Yes downloading legal porn isn't illegal (unless it is copyrighted but I doubt there is much concern for that).

I dont understand why iiocs get put in download files. Malice from the people who create the files? A secret code to offenders to get access and use the excuse of it was an accident? To get people hooked so that they build up more demand of iioc? I am not sure. But it isn't a new concept iiocs are embedded into downloads, such as iiegal downloads of films.

I do feel there needs to be better education a d national drive to inform people that iiocs can be found in dodgey downloads and that these need to be reported otherwise under the eyes of the law these people are at risk of being arrested as an online child sex offender.

Sorry this isnt a positive response and probably not what you want to hear. Maybe the course will give better insight.


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 10:21amReport post

Thanks for the reply, majestic

I completely see what you’re saying. And I definitely agree they’d probably think why did he continue to download from such a source after seeing iioc.. that’s one of the questions I asked at the start. I think it was just some stupidity on his part, annoyingly!

I also don’t understand why iiocs get put in files that have no description of this. He’s said that file sharing can be really odd in that you really have no idea what you could end up with - it could be a load of iioc or it could be somebody’s PowerPoint presentation! And you’ve really no idea until it’s in your possession

For these reasons I guess doing courses etc would never be a bad thing, I hope we can at least get a better understanding and awareness of all this!