Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 5:30pmReport post

I'm sure I've asked this before but my husband has been accessed as medium risk by his PO. How can it be lowered to low risk. Hes asked them before but they cant really give an answer, just saying its medium because of the nature of it although I think others are assessed as low.

I dont understand if they mean medium risk as risk of looking again at images or medium risk to children. Again they havent answered this. Hes on his last year of community so at the end of that he goes to no risk? I'm confused as the professionals dont really explain it well. I think they dont really have much knowledge or experience.



Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 8:10pmReport post

My Husbands probation officer said it's unlikely he'd ever be classed anything lower than a medium risk because of the natureof the offence and what led him to do it (porn addiction) as with any addiction there's always that rosk of relapsing.


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 8:44pmReport post

Ah I see thank you. It's just I had read other partners were low risk.

Yes he has shpo and is on sor but we are hoping to ask if the shpo can finish the same time as the community order. I feel he hasnt had much explained to him about what happens and his questions dont really get answered properly


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 8:50pmReport post

I agree that it isnt well explained and my partner is also medium risk of reoffending and has a year left with probation. I don't think they like to say how to reduce the risk because that might lead to offenders 'tick boxing' to just to appease probation.

Also coivd has needed things up and he has had three PO since 2019 so his assessment is limited- but probation don't have this mentioned in the ARMS Assessment but they have said verbally that they haven't been able to do a better assessment compared to others before the pandemic...

You may have seen that my partner used his ARMS assessment at family court to try to get visitation rights for supervised visits at a contact centre. We knew he would not be low risk and probation said it is rare for people in his case to be less than medium within the first year and half. But this doesn't seem to be well understood by CAFCASS and now he has to do a private assessment. Really is annoying.

My partner's probation have him down as medium risk to children,. It has told him it because they haven't had the time to really discuss his risk to children in enough detail. Because of covid and the fact he is deemed more enough risk to only need every other week catch ups the actually work they to do with him has taken ages.

And another annoying thing about how they view my partner is despite being deemed medium risk to children, he isn't a high enough risk for him to get access to a private assessment arranged by probation...


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon March 8, 2021 6:46amReport post

You can go back to court at any time to request either amendments to the SHPO or to request it be removed entirely.

It is best to do this with approval and support from the police offender manager. Within 5 years of the order being made then the court need approval of the police force who imposed it, after that they do not.

unlock has more information on their site, incase the link below gets removed, google for 'shpo unlock' and you should find information on ending court orders.