Family and Friends Forum


Member since
March 2021

52 posts

Posted Sun March 7, 2021 7:40pmReport post

I did previously post but it is waiting approval. I have read through so much on here and I believe I'm getting the hang of some of the terms. It will be a week Tuesday that we got the knock, 7pm as I was about to take my daughter to bed. As like most of you, the most traumatic thing in my life, to be fair the police were brilliant. They searched through out laptops and phones (including my 11 year old sons phone) and obviously nothing there but then found a laptop in his van which was where the images were.
He has been honest with me and has told me everything. He is still at home but in the spare bedroom and he knows our future is bleak but I will help him. I work at a school and I have told the head who has been brilliantly supportive. Although I went to log onto to our learning platform to help do some marking and found that all the passwords have been changed. I understand why but the shame I felt!

my questions are how do you get past repeating grotesque thoughts in your head? All I do is think those girls could of been the same age as our daughter, he swears he saw as not real and it was all pretend in his thought process. I know I don't get it!!

ia there a way of finding a specialist solicitor, I have googled but a lot comes up and they don't seem to specialiseas such

with regards to convictions and sentencing. I assume they take into account how long it went on for as well as the images looked at.

How long does it take for ss to make contact, it's been 5 days!

Who would tell their children (mine are 8 and 11) what their father has done. I was never going to say anything but after reading about cases being made public, I don't know!

Thank you if you have made it this far and apologies for this ramble!
I am so tired, wish I could wake from this nightmare!

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

445 posts

Posted Mon March 29, 2021 2:10pmReport post

Hello Sid,

I’m really pleased that you have reached out for some support and advice on the family and friends forum. We have noticed that you have not yet received a reply from other forum users, hopefully you will soon but in the meantime, we wanted to give you some general advice.

I am sorry to hear about your situation and I can understand that this must be a very distressing time for you all as a family. I would really encourage you to contact us on our Stop It Now! helpline on 0808 1000 900 so you can have a chat with one of our helpline operators who will be able to provide you with further support and advice. It is also really important that you are looking after yourself as well as you can, making sure that you are eating healthily, getting some daily exercise and enough hour’s sleep can really help you to start feeling a bit better in yourself. If you feel that you are struggling with any of the above then you might find it helpful to book an appointment with your GP to discuss how you are feeling at the moment.

In terms of finding a solicitor, you might find it helpful to have a look on the Law Society website which you can find here: You can search for solicitors that specialise in criminal law that are local to you and you might find it helpful to have a look at past cases they have worked on to see if they have any experience in this type of offence.

I hope you have found this information helpful and you feel able to call us on the helpline and continue using the forum for continued support from other forum users.

Take care,
