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Uk holidays after conviction

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Member since
October 2019

10 posts

Posted Mon March 8, 2021 11:03amReport post


my DH was found guilty of downloading 10 Cat A images. We are 3 months post conviction, he got 5 years SHPO, 10 years SOR and 3 years probation.

We are at the point now of working out life post conviction and are looking at holidays. Obviously with current restrictions we're looking at UK but I am still finding it a minefield.
We have a young daughter so are looking at family friendly places and obviously several of these have in the t&c's that no one on SOR can attend. Has anyone had issues with places that don't have this in the terms?

DH's probation officer says we can't go to a resort despite there being nothing in the terms so I'm just really confused and don't want to end up being thrown out of a resort and having my daughter upset


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon March 8, 2021 12:01pmReport post

we don't have children so this has less relevance for us, but I did have a conversation with my husbands police offender (ppu) manager about holidays. If he is going to be away from home for more than 7 days he will have to notify the police of that address (SOR) requirement. The police will then investigate that address and notify the local police force. If they find an issue they can prevent you from going. Any family based resort even if it doesn't have t&cs preventing him from going the police will probably prevent him anyway. The recommendation to us was to discuss where we wanted to go with them before booking anything.

I would get him to chat with his offender manager, they will have had similar conversations in the past with others and might even have recommendations. For example, we were told if we ever wanted to go on a cruise go on an adults only one.

I'm not 100% how much probation can prevent you from going on holiday. My husbands probation has pretty much been through lockdown/COVID and either haven't wanted it haven't been able to go away anyway.


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Mon March 8, 2021 5:26pmReport post

mjl73, do you know if you need to inform the police if it's 7 days or less?

we are currently awaiting my partners sentencing and it hadn't even occurred to me about holidays!


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Mon March 8, 2021 6:12pmReport post

My partner and I don't have kids but do mini holidays (when covid restrictions allow). My partner goes for a better safe than sorry approach with his PO and police liaison. He asks in advance if they have concerns about us going to a destination or area. And no matter how long we are staying he gives the details of the hotel and a general plan of where we will be going.

We have only been on holiday in the UK quite local. The police are aware we plan to go to main land Europe. They have no issue but we are not sure how it works due to brexit (if at all) on disclosure.

There is a thread somewhere about travel abroad and more info on

Overall I recommend discussing with the PO and police when making plans, but be mindful that they have the right to change their minds....we plan holidays that we can 'afford' to lose if it goes wrong for whatever reason.


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon March 8, 2021 6:58pmReport post

You do not have to notify if less than 7 days. However it is seen as a positive if they notify their police offender manager even if it's for less days. Some people apparently have only spent a few days in each place to avoid having to notify.

We stayed away for 2 nights pre Covid and my husband just messaged his offender manager to say where we were going to stay and why. He'd already discussed it with his probation officer.

As majestictopaz15 says, better to discuss it up front than to end up losing the money as you can't get a refund if they block you from going.