Family and Friends Forum

Evaluation of the Family and Friends Forum

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Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

522 posts

Posted Mon March 8, 2021 4:25pmReport post

Good afternoon,

We are currently working with the University of Huddersfield to complete an evaluation of the Family and Friends Forum. The research intends to gather views on the Family and Friends Forum as a means of exploring its impact on you as users, its strengths as a safe space for those affected by online child sexual abuse, and to establish whether there are any areas for improvement.

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and there will be an opportunity at the end for you to indicate whether you would like to take part in a further in-depth interview on your experience and views (with a £20 Amazon voucher for those interviews).

We really want to ensure that this evaluation and any future changes to the forum are led by you as users (past or present). If you are thinking about taking part, but are still not sure, please feel free to email Professor Rachel Armitage on Or call her on 07875848755 to discuss your concerns.

You can complete the survey anonymously by accessing the link here:

Best wishes,


Edited by moderator Mon April 19, 2021 1:17pm


Member since
December 2019

0 post

Posted Fri March 12, 2021 12:17amReport post

So happy to agree to take part in this survey, which I hope to complete this weekend.

Well done LFF for being proactive in seeking out users opinions and responses. I am confident that whatever comes out of the research will benefit us all. Why? Because you are a listening society . . . .

I just wish Cafcass would take a lesson from you.

Oh! And the Family Courts.

Thanks again. I'll share this link as best I can . . . .


Member since
September 2018

3 posts

Posted Thu March 25, 2021 8:28pmReport post

I was pleased to take part in the meeting that was set up to evaluate the Forum, I was asked to attend because a few years ago I found out that a close family member had downloaded IIOC. I just thought that I would post because the researchers are still looking for additional responses to their survey if anyone has the time to take part.

I just wanted to reassure anyone thinking about completing a survey, that the researchers are keen to find out about our experiences with the forum, both positive and negative, so that they can adapt and improve it to better suit our needs.

What really came out to me, was that they are keen to hear from everybody that uses the forum regardless of whether you post regularly or use the forum for information only.

I was quite concerned about anonymity, but it was something that they had already considered.

If you are able to take some time to complete the forum survey, I know that it will be a big help to the research team and hopefully others that find themselves on the forum in the future.

Edited Thu March 25, 2021 8:29pm