Family and Friends Forum


Member since
February 2021

3 posts

Posted Wed March 10, 2021 1:51amReport post

My partner was put away last week for cp his old work have got hold of it so have the local news this has devistated me I haven't moved from my sofa in 3 days how do I tell him we have to move as I'm scard for my safety and his what do I say to him

babe the flats fine btw I'm terrified for my life and you won't ever work for your work so we have to move the cars fine by the way

it just doesn't sit right none of this does as if it wasn't deveistating enough watching him be arrested in the dock now I'm going to up my life again someone help me please


Member since
December 2020

56 posts

Posted Wed March 10, 2021 8:47pmReport post

Hi I'm sorry I can't offer any advice, but I am in this situation my ex is on bail. Reach out to the helpline and I hope someone will be able to help you soon. You are not alone xx


Member since
February 2021

3 posts

Posted Wed March 10, 2021 9:05pmReport post

Thank you for your reply I'm just lost I've never been good at giving bad news and oh hun it's horrible isn't it x


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Thu March 11, 2021 8:31amReport post


i am so sorry you are going through this hell. So far I have managed to avoid the reporting of my husbands offence, he was sentenced at the beginning of the month, sometimes the police put up on social media their wall of shame at the end of the month so just hoping we escaped it. It was my biggest worry and so I can only imagine how scared and lonely you must feel and I am sending you a big virtual hug.

Is your property owned by you, or council? . If council they should be able to help. Also I have heard others who have gone through the same as you saying that they become old news very quickly. Just hang in there my lovely. I'm sure someone else on here will give you advice on this.

I do think you will need to be honest with him though. He will need to be prepared for the changes to his life when he comes out. It's a hard one and I hope you find the strength to come to a decision on what you say or don't say that gives you peace of mind. Xxx


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Thu March 11, 2021 12:10pmReport post

Hi there

I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this.
my husband was sent down in January, we never thought it would happen but it did.
After he went to majestrates court to give his plea, the local paper got hold of it and sh%# hit the fan.

We live in a small town so it spread fast, he got banned from his local shop neighbours stopped talking to him. Members of my own family turned up in court at the sentencing shouting abuse and then started targeting me and my kids. I got scared for my safety, and I was ready to up sticks and leave, but I didn't I stayed.

two months down the line, I have to say things are much better. I had to be so strong and as hard as it is, ignore what people were saying, and fight and hold my head up. People judge without knowing the full story and dramatise things. People soon move on and go off and target someone else.
My advise for you when you speak to your partner is to be honest, but try and stay as strong and as positive as you can. Things will get better. If you do suffer any problems call the police, they have been a great support to me. Emotionally if you feel you need help call your GP they will be supportive as well, and the forum is here too if we can help in anyway.

best wishes to you stay strong x


Member since
February 2021

3 posts

Posted Thu March 11, 2021 3:52pmReport post

Hi Dottie unfortunately the police did post it I found it just as his sister did and it all blue up and I know I need to talk to him apparently he's under no contact atm while they make sure I'm not a threat (I'm not may I add) it's all horrid at the moment and I feel sick most of the time feel like it's all hell

to the both of you

I will talk to him I think the work thing will hurt him the most he loved his job but we will cross that bridge when we come to it I need to wait for him to talk x