Family and Friends Forum

Struggling ( had enough)

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Member since
November 2020

224 posts

Posted Wed March 10, 2021 10:49pmReport post

Oh my days

Why are social care such a nightmare..concluded our assessment and have said at present its of their view that husband can't return home,that they feel I'm not suited to supervising in the home as the level of risk is too much for me to handle.

Theyve Completely twisted everything that's been said in mine and my husbands sessions with them and portrayed me to be nothing more than an idiot parent who cant be trusted and doesn't understand anything..

Because I choose to stand by my husband and because I choose to believe that he never actively went looking for the images or actively requested them I'm.not to be trusted to supervise in the home,so they're saying that he can't even have contact in the home either and we're to continue with contact in the community.

I think its disgusting that they're expecting us to sit out in all weather's eating food that's gone cold before we've had a chance to find somewhere to expect our daughter to endure that is downright disgusting..

Theyve totally stabbed me in the back and turned on me regardless of everything I've done to prove that I can and will keep her safe..they've even used the security camera I got against me by saying that its an invasion of my daughters privacy even though the SW agreed to my face that the camera was a good idea in terms of keeping our daughter safe at night while we slept..

I cannot believe the way the SW has turned on me..

Well one rather lengthy email later to her manager stating how everything has been twisted and how I want said assessment looked at again and how it's disgusting to expect us to continue with contact in the community..

SW has been told that probation have said they're going to help get him home, sw has even been told that hubby's offender management officers have said he should be at home because its their view that the risk level hasn't changed and they can't understand why he's not already at home.

Probation have been duly informed of what SS have said and are going to contact them..

And get this aswell, SW suggested that if I could get a family member to supervise in the home then she'd consider allowing contact there.. so i told her there was no one that could do it..

I said you can't expect us to still have contact in the community in this weather, its not fair on our daughter..she was told that at the very least if she wasn't going to allow hubby home yet then have some faith in me,trust me and believe in me that I can supervise in the home just as much if not more as I'm already doing..

So qt that point, SW said she'd contact probation and speak to them and get their version of how much of a risk they think he is and from what they've said so far and about getting him home,I dnt think they feel he's much of a risk at all..

Are we ever going to get a break:-(

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

528 posts

Posted Mon March 29, 2021 2:56pmReport post

Hi Annie1969,

I am sorry to hear that you have been struggling with Social Services but it is really positive you have reached out for some support, hopefully other forum members will reply soon with further support or advice. This can be a difficult process to deal with on your own so I would just like to remind you that the Stop It Now! helpline (0808 1000 900) is available for you to speak through any issues with us, including dealing with social services. The helpline is anonymous, confidential and free to phone from a landline.

We would encourage you to continue complying with Social Services but it may be helpful for you to make note of any questions you may have for them along the way and request written confirmations of any agreements made, when possible. You may also find it helpful to complete our Family Safety Plan resource: which can help you to think about how you will keep your family safe at home and this can be something you show to Social Services.

Please do contact the helpline for any further support or advice. I hope you will be able to get the support you need on this forum.

Take Care,
