Family and Friends Forum

Over whelmed and confused

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Member since
March 2021

13 posts

Posted Thu March 11, 2021 4:48pmReport post

It's been a week since the knock I've spoken a lot to my husband in that time I've gone from angry to heartbroken scared and confused and so many more no one hour is the same let alone day I've not slept. I feel guilty for breaking down as my child has been so resilient.????

I love my husband and I'm struggling to process what he has done his being very honest and open with me I feel lost.


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 3:04pmReport post

I'm so sorry you find yourself here. The first few weeks are awful. Have a read of the post out up for new people to this forum. It contains some really helpful advice. Keep coming back for support. Now your first post has been accepted, your posts will be at the top, so more people will read. Take care x


Member since
March 2021

13 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 5:11pmReport post

Thanks for replying I've read the post for new members I can't help thinking I should of seen the signs why didn't I why was I not enough he started with porn and escalated to where we are now I feel like I'm stuck in a black hole with no escape.


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 6:28pmReport post

Hey hunny,

I wrote the post for new members because those of us who are further along this journey completely understand and relate to all of these mixed emotions. The early days are horrendous. I was in such a state of panic, grief, shock, fear... Like you say.. A black hole.

It's so hard not to question ourselves as to how we didn't know, how we didn't see...

Have you read the post about the rabbit explains so well about the addiction that is so often the gateway into these offences.

Our husbands hid it well. Whatever was going on behind this... Depression, stress, anxiety etc etc... Their online offending... Masked that behaviour.. Just as an alcoholic drinks to mask their depression. Its only when that is stripper away from them to do they have to deal with what's underneath.. Its like that sticky plaster comes off and they have to deal with the wounds.

I work in mental health myself and questioned myself for so long at how I didn't see my husband was depressed but as I say... They hid it well... Their addiction was their coping mechanism.

Keep on talking, look after your most basic needs right now... Big decisions are not for now.. Right now... Take each day or even each hour at a time... Lots and lots of self care.

Sending lots of love xxxxx


Member since
January 2021

144 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 7:40pmReport post

I'm 3 months in. I remember those first 2 weeks vividly. The worst weeks of my life. I didn't eat much surviving on a banana and a cereal bar most days. I lost about 10lbs in weight and I felt sick constantly. I was an anxious jittery mess. I've had help from my gp. So they can be a great support. I've had so much help from being on here. The feelings are the same as they were day one but I get up and go to work and do what I can for my kids and I keep busy. I try to get early nights and night times home by myself when the kids are in bed kill me, the loneliness I feel is unreal. So I go to bed watch TV, read a book and go to sleep. I go for walks with the kids to fill gaps in the weekends. I make myself eat. I try to look after myself to keep myself strong. It's a horrible journey but everyone on here who told me to look after me gave me the best advice because as soon as I did that and reached out for support from my gp I found I started to cope just a little bit more.


Member since
March 2021

13 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 8:18pmReport post

Thank you I have spoken to gp and have been referred for counselling and been given something for anxiety and to help sleep.I'm having panic attacks when on my own outside house I'm trying to hold it together during the day but on a night I crumble. I just can't get away from my own thoughts.

Edited Sat March 13, 2021 10:49pm


Member since
April 2020

27 posts

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 12:05pmReport post

As hard as it is you learn how to live, it's important to remember you have done nothing wrong I regularly tell myself this. Look after yourself and any children so you have energy and resilience as you are going to need them. It's a rocky road of ups and downs.
This forum was so helpful to me I found out so much information here and had a safe place to ask questions.
I learnt more here than from the solicitor or the police!
The Stop it now website and the helpline also helped me understand and process things.


Member since
March 2021

13 posts

Posted Sun March 21, 2021 9:43pmReport post

Thanks I've been looking at some of the sites and things people have suggested and been speaking to the helpline which has been helpful although couldn't get through on Friday. My personal support system seems to have imploded this weekend will call again Monday and try to regroup.