Family and Friends Forum

Confused and anxious

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Member since
February 2021

2 posts

Posted Thu March 11, 2021 7:39pmReport post

My husband was arrest for indecent images all 3 categories in November 2020, we had magistrates court 3 weeks ago. He gave a guilty plea owned up as soon as police got involved. We have sentencing at crown court this coming week. It has been hard to process and I'm trying to be strong for him. He was sectioned under the mental health act after his arrest. I had to call the police to go looking for him as he went missing, they found him suicidal by a bridge. This has been the hardest few months of my life. Only him and I know about the arrest and him being sectioned. We both dont have good relationships with our families. I'm just drained physically, emotionally, I'm numb one minute then an emotional wreck the next.

I'm scared of what will happen when people find out. I'm dreading coming home next week with out him if he goes to prison.

I'm just all over the place


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 3:01pmReport post

I'm so sorry Ana. It's a tough place to be. My husband will be sentenced at the end of the month. One conversation with vigilante and arranged to meet. No photos. I'm terrified that he will be sent to prison as I don't think he would survive it due to poor health, mental and physical, which is why he got himself into this mess in the first place. As his sting was live streamed everyone knows and those that don't care to understand think the very worst anyway, so at least I don't have the worry of keeping a secret. We will survive this, we have to. I am surprising myself at my resilience. At least it will be the start of the next stage, getting back to some sort of normal. Keep strong and look after yourself first. xx


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 6:31pmReport post

Ana, you're doing amazing. You're in the eye of the storm right now and your emotions will be all over the place.

Have you joined the stop so forum? There are many women who's partners / sons are out the other side of sentencing and will be able to share their experience. Xx


Member since
June 2020

17 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 8:40pmReport post

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Edited Sat March 13, 2021 8:48pm


Member since
June 2020

17 posts

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 9:16pmReport post

Ana it has all been very quick for you and you have had a terrible time.

Has your husband had chance to get councelling and suppot.

My husband was arrested in Oct 2019 and sentenced a year later he had possession of images over all 3 catagories and distribution over all three. We were prepared for a custodial sentence but got 2 years suspended.

Are you ready for sentensing? And has he had any advice about what he can do prior to sentensing? Jx