Family and Friends Forum


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Fri March 12, 2021 10:38amReport post

finding out what the message were that my husband sent to a minion.

Thinking that ur husband could be going to prions for saying 18worlds.

not being able to sleep for the last 8 months over 18 little worlds.

life being completely different for myself and my boys over 18 worlds.

how do u all carry on. I just keep repeating these 18 worlds and the wondering driving me in to a black hole that I don't think I will ever get out.

I have no clue if she evening reply all I no is that no photos were sent and that she ended that chat.....

Edited by moderator Mon March 15, 2021 6:41pm


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Fri March 12, 2021 12:21pmReport post

Colaroo, hang on in there. You're not alone. There are many of us that are dealing with the aftermath of this offence.
my husband has been to court, pleaded guilty, and is awaiting sentencing. There is no getting away from the fact that the decoy said they were 13, whether he read it and believed it or not. It was one conversation, no images. Vigilantes stung him, and live-streamed so my world totally imploded. I'm still standing with the help of amazing friends, therapy, and understanding how he got to where he did. He has had hours of therapy, lots of reading, as have I, and online modules etc.

I read all the threads on this forum. The main take away was that we will all learn to live with this, whether we stay with or leave our partners, and there will eventually be a new normal.

You've got this! x