Family and Friends Forum

Solicitor advice

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Member since
March 2021

3 posts

My apologies for what is probably a completely stupid question in advance. I'm sure like many people on here I never imagined being in a situation like this and have absolutely no idea what to do!

a family member was arrested recently for iioc. His devices have been seized for investigation and were now waiting, have been told it can be up to a year. We were advised by the police that the likely outcome would be a caution or a suspended sentence.

Should he be getting a specialist solicitor in this time? He was given a duty solicitor at the station but I have no idea if this person will be involved moving forwards or not. Where do we start finding one? How much do they tend to cost? It's all feeling so overwhelming! Any advice would be very much appreciated xx thank you x

Posted Fri March 12, 2021 4:30pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

My partner used legal aid and they were not too helpful especially since he didn't have the same solicitor each time. I don't know the costs or how to find specialists.

One thing I would say is to not really pay attention to what the police have said about possible outcome. They haven't finished their investigation and might find more than they originally thought. Also the sentencing can differ, depends on the judge on the day.

One thing your family member can do is use this time to get help and rehabilite.

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 9:42amReport post


Member since
March 2021

3 posts

Hi Majestic thanks for your reply, helpful to hear your thoughts about legal aid and absolutely agree with you about seeking help - he's keen to have therapy fortunately so has been looking into this.

good point about the police investigation too, guess they might have an idea about what they'll find but no guarantee!

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 10:20amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Hi Poppy, I think there are previous threads about solicitors. I found a specialist one for my husband. If you google you'll find them. We had to pay for them as didn't qualify for legal aid. It is expensive, but they did have a 'process' to follow, so he was working on himself prior to charging. In our case up until court it was £13.5k!!!! Out of our retirement will be quite a lot more now as court and barrister now involved. Get him to speak to a few, and ask for rough costs. Same applies to legal aid, try a few until he finds one he trusts and gels with. x

Posted Sat March 13, 2021 10:52am
Edited Sat March 13, 2021 10:52amReport post


Member since
March 2021

3 posts

Sorry for the delayed response, just a quick message to say thank you Lee and Tabs for your replies. We've been in touch with a few now and just seeing what our options are really.

Lee- we were wondering the same thing as we don't know what the charge is exactly at this point so not sure what a solicitor would be able to do. wasn't sure whether we try to get one now in preparation or wait until he's been charged with something.

Posted Mon March 15, 2021 1:35pmReport post

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