Family and Friends Forum

Help and support for the wives/partners

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Member since
December 2018

2 posts

Posted Mon March 15, 2021 4:08pmReport post

It seems the police, social services and councilling servies have a lot of support to offer the victims of abuse (and rightly so) but sometimes I just feel like waving my arms in the air and shouting "Hello, can I get any help to deal with this please?" The police decided not to charge - a complete farce - he admitted what he did to me and then to the police in his first interview. He then decided that actually I planted everything on his phone and instead of them interviewing me and taking my phone to prove he wasn't even at home when he was looking at these things they let him off instead. He met a new women/victim who had a daughter the same age as mine within a few weeks and moved straight in with her. Social services didn't want to know. Now he has a daughter by her. Because he was never charged no one wanted to make sure that my daughter had not been harmed by him. It feels we were dropped like a stone. There was so much evidence I just cannot understand it.

2 years on and I am still suffering from the mental repurcussions of knowing what my husband is and the injustice of it.

Are there any supports for the women that these men have destroyed with their behaviour? No one understands. I feel so alone.


Member since
February 2021

8 posts

Posted Mon March 15, 2021 4:42pmReport post

Hi Bella,

That is so awful, I am sorry you have had to experience that.

I feel the same in terms of feeling lonely (see my latest post!) and I agree there is not enough support for us. Everyone around me seems more concerned with what will happen for the person who has done it rather than us wives/partners/girlfriends.


Member since
February 2021

12 posts

Posted Tue March 16, 2021 11:50amReport post

I'm sorry too. So much confusion and uncertainty. Feeling like the bad guy yourself really takes its toll. Finding this group only recently is massive in making me feel less alone. I hope you feel that too.