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Forum changes - user feedback

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December 2018

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Posted Tue January 29, 2019 10:19amReport post


This is for the forum moderator to feedback on latest changes.

i don’t know where to post this but here seems a good a place as any!

The latest forum changes are positive in that they start to put stuff in order. However some explanation to some members might be helpful? I don’t like that you have to scroll through all the topics to see the latest posts, perhaps ‘new posts since last visit’ function would help? Also the page numbers were very confusing over the last couple of days (same topics on both pages?) This may be because I view the forum in my phone, which is extra tricky!

Edited by moderator Thu May 23, 2019 1:50pm


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December 2018

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Posted Tue January 29, 2019 11:52amReport post

I second this jaded. And the point that there are two thread on forum changes, proves people are confused on wheres best to post.

i am hoping the moderator will check on soon and see the very people the forum is suppose to be helping are confused.

I get that the forum looks good for people browsing but it’s the inter communication we need.

sorry I am posting a lot today!!!


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December 2018

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Posted Fri February 1, 2019 5:15pmReport post

I am just wondering is the moderator able to give us a time frame when the forum can be streamlined. I am still really struggling. The persons who has most recently posted should be at the top, it feels horrible that I am the only one posting, when I know this is not the case other people have posted but it’s further down the list depending on the topic they chose. Is there any time frame on this.


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Posted Fri February 1, 2019 8:09pmReport post

Poster, We have missed you. I use the forum to feel connected too. I do have people in my day to day life but i don’t feel so alone on the forum. I think it is something about being a safe space and knowing you all have been impacted by similar actions. I truly never expected the knock and friends on our day to day life’s can be supportive but I think they also must not get that their lives could be shaken up one day from the actions of another. Like I said before it feels like it was a car crash but my ex drove the car. One day I knew life and the next the life I knew was going to be different and that’s very destabilising.

I love that we are all re building together and having people on different stages of the journey helps each of us vent and offer support.

I am using the forum but do worry that I miss posts or can’t find new ones. I do hope they do some redevelopment.

its really nice hearing from you poster xxx

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 1:38pm


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December 2018

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Posted Sat February 2, 2019 9:15amReport post

Yes I feel all over the place with this new format too. I’m missing posts all the time and having to literally check every thread to see if someone has posted something new. It’s a shame because some people are emotionally dependent (and that’s a good thing) on the unique support this forum offers. I hope it’s sorted soon. Poster I thought you’d gone particularly quiet!

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 1:38pm


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December 2018

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Posted Sat February 2, 2019 10:33pmReport post

I am one of those people who are dependent on the forum. I am just trying to get by day by day and stay focused. I miss the community we use to have. I know I have only been accessing the forum since the knock. But it’s been a life saver. I have checked in every day. I do find some days easier but some days I can get caught up in the fear of starting off as a single mum. My friend and family don’t know half as much as the ladies on the forum it’s been such a safe space and we all know about the same thoughts ruminating through our minds. My friend love and care for me. But I know I am lucky to have nice people in my life but you ladies get the offence. The sheer pain of our closest relationship, having a second life.

I hope they can look into putting the most recent post at the top so we don’t miss out on supporting each other.

Love to you all this weekend, I did do some clearing out my house which was good and now I have a little plan for redecorating on a budget. Xxx


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Posted Sat February 2, 2019 11:12pmReport post

Good for you Bethlou for doing something practical and positive this weekend. I come here from time to time and respond occasionally but I know in the early days I would have literally been glued to this forum had it existed. I had e mail support from a total stranger who I was put in touch with by someone in the know. That person saved my life. I was very dependent on that person to help me through.


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Posted Sun February 3, 2019 7:13amReport post

Well done Bethlou on getting things done. I think it does help doesn’t it to be doing sometimes? Like most of us I check in here several times a day even if I don’t post and I am feeling a bit frustrated by the new format. You are the only ones who understand what is going on in my head. Thank you to all you lovely people. X


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Posted Mon February 4, 2019 7:56pmReport post

Poster we have really missed you. I am really hoping that the re jig the forum just to make sure that the most recent posts are clear. Most people seem to post in the general bit or mutual support section. But there are pages of threads and the concern is things can be missed. The time date stamp doesn’t correlate with the most recent poster and seems to be the one who came up with the topic

I am well aware that computer problems maybe expensive to fix and it’s been good they have invested in the forum to attract new users.

The phone line is a good support but I certainly get the most from you all out there. Experiencing the same pains.

what I find difficult is my life is no longer mine. I have to run decisions past children services. It’s interesting that you said the ramifications can still be felt years later!!

you all keep me sane. I am sorry if I dominate the posting at the moment!!! I just hope they can resolve the structural issues allowing everyone else to see the posts.

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 1:38pm


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Posted Wed February 6, 2019 7:22pmReport post

I agree, thanks for streamlining the update, it’s certainly easier to navigate.


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Posted Sun February 10, 2019 5:17pmReport post

How do we now post a new topic/conversation.. as i cant seem to.. im not liking this new way of doing things.. ????


Member since
November 2018

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Posted Tue February 12, 2019 11:02pmReport post

I'm really confused by this forum. It has been such a comfort, yet now I struggle to find my way around. Could it not be organised as before, with the most recent discussions on top? The subjects will sort themselves by thread title, and the search facility means you can search for a topic. I really don't think it's a good idea to have to locate a topic before you can post or read the most recent conversation. Please make it simpler to use - thank-you.


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Posted Wed February 13, 2019 4:23pmReport post

I am also confused by the changes in this Forum layout. And I have to say it’s discouraged me from checking in so often and posting. It was so much simpler before.


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December 2018

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Posted Sun February 17, 2019 7:36pmReport post

Hi both we were just saying in a different thread we are missing key people whom use to access the forum. I hope your both well, and they streamline the forum. They had reduced the number of topics since the last update. But I think everyone agrees the most frequent post needs to be at the top. The fact you posted this on the13th but I only saw it today proves that it’s difficult.


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Sun February 17, 2019 7:56pmReport post


just seen this thread myself

you may have figured it out, but chose A topic and there’s a red box with new topic in it, click in that and post. Most people seem to be using the general discussion topic as it’s at the top.
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