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Don’t understand

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Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Wed March 17, 2021 2:19pmReport post

I'm getting fed up with all this waiting..... it has been 8 months since the knock.... it has been 18 weeks since the phone got plug in. I was told by the police would take 8-12 weeks for a phone to be downloaded. And all I keep getting back is covid!!!!

people go to prison for what they do yet the police let them carry on doing wrong for years before they are charge.. how is that right if u were told Someone had murdered someone they are normal put away there and then. Yet people I say people as I'm not sure if it is just men. Can carry on with there everyday life being free to carry on being online and Access child online everyday it really is driving me crazy thinking about how long this takes.....

sorry for the rant I'm just angry as I was told by ss what my husband sent in a message to a minor online but I have now just been told I am not aloud to have that info written down in email by the police or ss what's the dam difference. If the police got a finger out and got things moving my husband wouldn't be aloud to go about his normal life possibly still carrying on doing wrong for the last 8 months!!!!!! ????????????????


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Wed March 17, 2021 2:41pmReport post

It is frustrating but these cases are prolific. I think an average 500 arrests a month in the UK. And these arrests are based on evidence of offending for example a photo being shared. But I'm my partners case the police had multiple devices to go through and turned out he had 10 years of content- 1000+. The police may not really know how much they will find. Especially if the offender isn't honest or even aware themselves.

Solicitors typically say to offenders to state no comment when questioned, that way the police have to put in all the work to find all evidence. It does baffle me that offenders can be out in the community during an investigation. I'm not too familiar with law but my understanding is that if a person isn't a threat to the public or themselves they are able to have bail. Yes they could offend again but I assume the police would have a closer eye on offenders and many find the shock of the knock what they need to address their behaviour.

Unfortunately if it wasn't for the knock my partner wouldn't not have got the help to stop his offending- since it such a taboo topic be wasn't sure how to get support. It is very hard to kick any addiction without help.

The police don't have the resources to look at devices quickly enough. Also I assume more effort is made to investigate 'more serious' crimes such as murder. But I assume it is department base. If the gov don't put more into sex offending then these delays will remain. I believe the gov are looking to toughen SHPOs so maybe the bail requirements will chnage. But ATM it isn't enough. Those under investigation are left to sort themselves out. Thankfully there is LF and stop it now. Can't imagine how offenders tried to rehabilitate without the support services


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Wed March 17, 2021 2:52pmReport post

It is all so crazy. My husband wasn't arrested or put on bail he was ask to meet for a chat as he wasn't at home when they knock I was aloud to tell him the police were looking for him... they ask for his phone and they left him. Told him to carry on with his everyday life!! Yet here we are 8 months down the line and he hasn't been able to see his kids as ss have said only contact to take place outside and my kids just don't understand y they can see dad in the park but not at home..

there really needs to be a big kick up the ass for all this stuff as when it comes to court it can be so different for the same offence!!! Really dose make my blood boiled how the world works!!

sorry for moaning


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Wed March 17, 2021 2:54pmReport post

And to be told info but now told I'm not aloud it in an email just makes me eveing more crazy!! How am I meant to remember at 3am when I wake up in cold sweats!!!!!


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Wed March 17, 2021 4:12pmReport post

@lee it drive me crazy that they won't write it down for us. I refuse to speak on the phone to ss it all has to be done by email. They hate it.

Edited by moderator Thu March 18, 2021 3:26pm


Member since
March 2021

10 posts

Posted Thu March 18, 2021 1:02pmReport post

It'd be a start if they could be realistic about the timescales.

I was told 8 months. It was almost 3 years.


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Thu March 18, 2021 1:17pmReport post

Wow that is crazy


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Thu March 18, 2021 5:19pmReport post

Best part I ask the police how long it would all take 2-3 years and she said it would all be wrap up by xmas (that was last year!) and she carried on to say if it takes that long I could make a complaint to her manager about it!!!


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Thu March 18, 2021 7:27pmReport post

I guess it's a bit like complaining about ss to ss!! No 1 give a rants ass