Family and Friends Forum

Been stepped down

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Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Right after my horrid family network meeting. Them changing the supervsion of who can do it coz apparently they werent aware if some thibgs even tho they were.

I have receive a call from. My social saying that the case is been stepped down to early help an I have been assigned a early practioner who will be in touch. Sw needs to do a closure meeting asap as they need to have it done in a certain time.

I am so confused by all this will it get moved bad up to cin when my husband is charged.

Posted Tue January 29, 2019 2:49pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Hello Stardust,

sadly I think social workers don't really appreciate how stressful these meetings are for participants. They like to think that these meetings work in partnership with parents but no matter how helpful they are it's you and your family under the microscope. These meetings are their bread and butter and they do them every day. I think they often lose sight that it's not 'everyday' or a common occurance to the families involved.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'stepped down'? If you mean the urgency and level of the meetings are more relaxed and informal that must be a positive thing?

It helps to write down who's been told what and when. You can refer to this and challenge any lack of knowledge. Social Workers are often bombarded by informatiion and they are only human too so sometimes don't grasp whats been told to them. Sometimes (and I'd like to say rarely) they choose what they listen to and are selective about what they recall. Make sure any meetings are fully minuted, check the minutes and challenge the content if you don't agree or if you think they've missed something off.

The Family Rights Group are a really helpful organisation for information and support, especially in your dealings with social services. I'd suggest looking them up on the internet and give them a call.

Please keep strong and continue to co-operate with them. Co-operation does not however mean you can't ask questions though or to challenge or to remind them of agreements they've made. Get as much as you can in writing though.

Good luck!

Posted Tue January 29, 2019 6:32pmReport post


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Hi jade thanks for the reply.

Yes you are so c8rrect about what they listen as my friend had been supervisor our contact an had her own daughter there aswell. They were fully aware of this knew we had been on several days out all together an even away for weekend this was all ones and agreed. At meeting they they said they was not aware of this an this could not happen even this had been fine for the past 7 months.

Social worker came tonight. Case has gone down from child in need to early help so assigned to ftp worker who are in children centres. She will work with support the kids see them in school do pants rule ECT. She said we will all receive the paper worker with the safety plan outlined which is just to carry on as we have been an numbers we made need to contact anyone. She said wen if husband is charge just to notify family first the will record out come and decide weather it has to go bac up to child in need or mayb needed at later date depending on what happens x

Posted Tue January 29, 2019 7:58pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

57 posts

Hi Stardust. My daughter was classed as a child in need under social services. My ex was having contact with her under their supervision and then it was changed to a family friend. When he wss charged and sentenced (hes currently in jail) they closed her case. Im not sure if this is similar to your situation.

We had 1 more CIN meeting once he was in prison where the social worker explained that they had no concerns with me and I had proven through all my actions that I was making the safest decisions for her so they took her off completely.

When my ex comes out in May they told me they will not reopen the case and re-esculate it if i continue as I have. Any contact will be at my discresion and i can chose how it is done. Theyll only reopen it if they grt a court issue asking 2 assess the situation if i stop visitation and he takes me to court.

I dont know if its the same for you but hopefully itll mean the same thing tht they wont reesculate it for you

Posted Wed January 30, 2019 9:42pmReport post

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