Family and Friends Forum

Can courts change things....

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Member since
February 2021

35 posts

So right now my partner is allowed supervised visits with the children at a relatives house. The social workers have been pretty good and said it can be as often as we want but just to let them know when with a short update on what visits have happened via email. My question is could when he goes to court, could the courts then decide that he can't see the children anymore. Even though the social workers know what he's done and are allowing it.....

I'm terrified for my children. They've been crushed throughout this and have an amazing bond with their dad.


Posted Mon March 22, 2021 7:51amReport post


Member since
February 2021

35 posts

I'm not sure. I don't fully understand the situation in terms of what happens when. It's currently with CPS. I suppose I mean the sentencing. No SS haven't spoken to me about it. I've actually just got off of the phone from the family rights group as it been several weeks with lots of interaction with the social worker, 3 visits, visited my child's school, facetime with youngest, CIN plan a few weeks ago and I haven't received a single peice of paperwork or report yet! The told me I should've had a children and family assessment and CIN paperwork and that the social worker should've sat me down and explain the process of their involvement going forward. So I need to try and write an email about this and make sure I still keep a positive relationship with our social worker. xx

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 10:15amReport post


Member since
February 2021

35 posts

Hi, yes I have written in my draft email that

"I've been very open and cooperative and of course I will absolutely continue to be, to make sure my children are safe and because you're very supportive but this is such an unknown time and situation for me. I have very little idea of the sequence not event that follow each other and what the contine to expect. So I'd really appreciate as much feedback as possible and to arrange a meeting just you and me so I can have more about the future explained.

No he hasn't been charged. Okay yes I need to turn my brain off a little and focus on the here and now like I was... It's easy to get suvked in what will my life be luck when, what if this, how will that .. moments.

Thanks for your reply. xx

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 11:05amReport post


Member since
February 2021

35 posts

Ignore the type Os that's why I do a draft and check it a thousand times xx

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 11:06amReport post


Member since
February 2021

35 posts

Thank you so much Lee. I really appreciate your support and advice. I hope you make sure to put some time into yourself whilst heavily supporting everyone else on this forum! Your knowledgeable words offer so much comfort. xxx

Posted Tue March 23, 2021 7:22amReport post

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