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Village gossip

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Member since
July 2020

31 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 8:14amReport post

Everyone knows. I feel sick and I'm lost. I can't believe it but one neighbour found out and shared the link to everyone. People are messaging my daughter asking if it's true. How do you cope with this.


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 9:00amReport post

Hang on in there. The interest will pass. My husband was live streamed by vigilantes. The video hit straight away, and was distributed at speed around my village. I spoke in person to the people in the village that I cared about. They were, all of them, a great support and had and still have my back. I have no children, so I can't advise on that. My husband left home straight away and this was reported on, on social media, together with my movements. I was scared and very upset. I slept at friends house in the village for the first week but returned home during the day. I have had no face to face aggression, nor any damage to my house.
Sentencing will happen at the end of the month, and pre covid, I had planned to go and stay somewhere out of the village. That can't happen now, so I'm hoping that because everyone knows what he's accused of, they won't be that interested.
I hope some mums can advise re your daughter. I imagine that speaking to her school will be a good thing to do, so they can make sure she is ok and teachers can help her manage. Thinking of you. You will get through it, it will soon be old news.
None of this is your fault or your daughters fault, and all sensible rational people know this! xxx


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 9:39amReport post

Oh, and some other I advice I was give early on was to have some sort of statement ready to say, or write. Something that works for you eg "it's very distressing, and I'd really rather not talk about it". As a friend said, anyone with compassion will understand and if they don't, why care about what they think, as they more than likely are not people you are friendly with or would want to be. X


Member since
July 2020

31 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 10:32amReport post

Hi thank you both for your advice and support.

I went with my older daughter this morning and spoke to her boss and she was amazing and said she will keep her away from any parent hand over for a while until she feels happy doing it. Couldn't have been nicer.
It's horrible and the lady who started sharing it is only doing it for attention I bet ... not out of any concern.

I have phoned my youngest daughters school and I'm waiting for her year head to phone me back. It's all my nightmares come true. I wish people would look at their own lives before they start judging and gossiping about others.


Member since
July 2020

31 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 11:21amReport post

Thank you so much, this forum is a life saver


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 6:42pmReport post

Hi Claire

So sorry u have found urself here but these ladies and gentlemen will give u great advice,, my partners case didn't hit the media but a told what I thro a very close friend,, well fast forward and all my friends and other people know both of my of my children schools are on board and are teaching my children how to protect them self and who they can talk to about what is happening. I phoned my local police and explained my concerns they resured me that my home address had been red flag and if I had any trouble to dia 999 and they would come xxx