Family and Friends Forum

Length of time on SOR

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Member since
October 2019

10 posts


We are now post sentencing. My husband was guilty of possessing 10 Cat A images and was given a 3 year community order, 5 year SHPO and 10 years on SOR.

Does that length of time on the SOR sound right? Everything I have checked online says he should have got 5 years because it wasn't a suspended sentence but not sure if these are just guidelines?

This will obviously make a big difference to our family plans and I don't know whether we nee to go back to the solicitor and ask fro this to be checked


Posted Mon March 22, 2021 1:50pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

The length of time on SOR is dependent on the sentence type and length and the age at the time of offence.

There's a table of these here on unlock

For a community order the notification requirements should be 5 years, so yes I suggest that you go back to the solicitor and question that.

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 2:38pmReport post

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