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Member since
February 2019

15 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 4:54pmReport post

Hello and please share any experiences and outcome.

My ex husband re offended and he has breached a shpo and has 3 counts of indecent images.

Apparently the lawyer has managed to adjourn case /plea to evaluate prosecution evidence.

I was under the impression that once you breach an order during suspended sentence he would go to prison.

So confused on how unfair the justice seems....

Please help


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 5:31pmReport post

Hi Filipo

im no expert but I know a little about this. My son is an offender of communication and he's currently in prison. I think you only get sent straight to prison if you have breached your licence conditions or your in probation and not complying with what is asked of you. Licence you get taken straight back to prison but probation I'm led to believe goes in front of a judge to decide. Breaching a shopo (my son does not have one thank god) is very serious. Usually you get taken to court where the judge punishes you. From what I know you can get a watprning or a fine or even hailed for breaching the shopo. Not sure if this helps but it's what I've been led to believe x


Member since
February 2019

15 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 6:31pmReport post

Thank you. Meant to say he had 3 new convictions to go with his shpo breach


Member since
February 2019

15 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 6:55pmReport post

Thank you so much. The first time he had over 200 images in each category and managed to get a suspended sentence. Just hope justice is fair this time as by what i have read the breach is a serious matter and with 3 new counts i will be shocked if a judge is lenient again x

Edited Mon March 22, 2021 7:07pm

Jane c

Member since
June 2020

33 posts

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 10:13pmReport post


My partner reoffend 7 months into a 6 months suspended sentence which had been suspended for 12 months

Although he stopped the conversation as soon as the decoy said there alleged age it was a breach of his orders and he had an iPhone which breached his order because of cloud services which neither of us realised till after his arrest unfortunately we didn't understand his orders and failed to get them properly clarified at the beginning

Because he pleaded guilty straight away to his breach he was remanded till sentencing where he had to serve his original 6months on top of 10months for breaching his order although I have seen people with breaches get another suspended sentence i guess it depends on the circumstances and the judge at the time my partner had the same judge who gave him his original sentence so she saw his actions as deliberate even though they weren't