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Member since
February 2019

15 posts

Hello and please share any experiences and outcome.

My ex husband re offended and he has breached a shpo and has 3 counts of indecent images.

Apparently the lawyer has managed to adjourn case /plea to evaluate prosecution evidence.

I was under the impression that once you breach an order during suspended sentence he would go to prison.

So confused on how unfair the justice seems....

Please help

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 5:03pmReport post


Member since
March 2021

3 posts


this is my first post on a forum so I hope it makes sense.

sadly my ex breached his order for the third time and was given a sentence of EMDR treatment (5.3.2021) This is the first time this has even been given in this country but it now sets a precedence for other Judge's to impose this. Despite this being a third offence (actually getting caught!) and having over 500 of Cat A material.

if they have a clever tale (I gave birth last year and he is attempting to use my son as a reason to stu out of prison etc) and a lenient judge it seems they are trying to keep people out of prisons right now.

I am aware this isn't really the reply you would have hoped for but I had been promised a prison sentence by so many MOSOVO officers and then a Judge threw a basic treatment for mental health at him instead.

Posted Mon March 22, 2021 7:12pmReport post

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