Family and Friends Forum


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December 2018

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so does it really take 7 to 9 months to gather the intelligence!

the timescale is so confusing. Then it goes to cps? And then magistrate and court! How long if the knock was December?

are we really talking July/ August time.

how do people cope . I am not expecting huge closure but it would be good to get the nightmare behind me.

Posted Tue January 29, 2019 9:14pmReport post


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October 2018

99 posts

I was told 7 months and the knock was the 28/9 - had the call today that the items have been sent off to be looked at. Depends what area you are in I'd suppiss. I'm in the South West and 7 months is the norm but they try to push it through quicker if children are involved.

The wait is a killer isn't it? Whilst I want it to be over and done with, I don't want it to be happening now, I'm not ready! Does anyone have any idea how long it takes once they have the equipment?

Posted Tue January 29, 2019 9:22pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

If the computer is sent off maybe the lead investigative officer can give you some idea. Your right the wait is a killer and I am at lost of what is going to be found which adds to my stress as my ex partner says ‘it’s not to bad’ well in my mind it must have been to do the raid.

i know if you call they will probably say they have no idea but you could give them an update that having it back would support your partners well being.

i know in my case they are trying to get things moving a little quicker as my being arrested broke my partner he is just not functioning. He does have support from mental health team which takes the pressure off me.

waiting is so so long and it’s the feeling of immense fear of shag will happen next. I get that it’s their offence and it’s absolutely wrong. Though I do feel the whole situation makes people feel sick. My ex must have been seriously troubled for trying to find images online.

so I guess I am avoiding the pain of wanting to know how badly involved he was versus living in an anxious limbo.

what a mess.

Posted Tue January 29, 2019 10:30pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Hiya, in our situation it took 8 months from seizing the equipment to 1st appearance at court. There was a period whereby police offered the option of a caution, he refused. Police then gave him extra time to think about it reminding him that accepting a caution would be better for his family. He still refused, he was given extra, extra time to consider this option. Police were not happy he wouldn’t take the caution. All this hell for less than a handful of very low (not corroborated) category images. They definitely would have been challenged in court before they conceded and gave up. So they do pursue ANYTHING they find.

Posted Tue January 29, 2019 10:54pmReport post


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December 2018

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Jaded what an interesting post. He stuck by his thoughts was he not charged in the end.

i think I get some of your other posts that people do have options that are not based on the fact of the situation. The offence is so shaming people automatically want to have a opinion and that not only wrecks people it wrecks life’s.

Posted Wed January 30, 2019 7:04amReport post


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December 2018

202 posts

Bethlou he was charged and went to court. The defence barrister couldn’t believe he was even charged on the evidence they had. Eventually the CPS conceded and dropped the case. All that for what? Lives and livelihoods destroyed.

‘Facts’ are a funny thing, evidence can be presented in different ways to determine ‘fact’. People think if it’s on a computer it’s black and white, it’s not as simple as that but it helps the prosecution because that’s what the general public and jury’s think.

Some cases are blindingly obvious what’s gone on and a guilty plea should be given. Some cases, on rare occasions, are not so obvious, but no one ever hears about those. The trouble is whatever evidence everyone in lumped together as non human.

Its outrageous and scandalous that people are presumed guilty before they’ve even examined computers as was in our situation. Pursued doggedly because police couldn’t fathom that their intelligence wouldn’t be found or corroborated, it wasn’t and the CPS conceded defeat. Police got us in other ways though.

I know the outcome for us was different to many on here but the journey and aftermath is exactly the same regardless of findings of court.

It would be interesting to see how many cases are a) investigated then NFAd b) Charged and then dropped c) charged and a not guilty verdict found.

What im saying in a nutshell is think for yourselves. Come to your own conclusion after evidence has been laid before you, don’t accept other people’s ‘red lines’ but be aware of the consequences of your choices and make informed decisions. Be careful of whose informing you though, everybody has an agenda, some may be in your interests some may not. Protect yourselves and your children in the best way you see fit.

Posted Wed January 30, 2019 9:59amReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Thanks jaded, I appreciate that you had a different take on things though I am shocked what happened to your partner. It’s completely wrong that people are presumed guilty without the facts. I understand that there is a role in safeguarding children but how awful how you were treated. He must have been strong enough not to accept the caution. Though your lives have been rocked for this intrusion.

has he been able to rebuild his life?

Posted Wed January 30, 2019 7:27pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

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Your so right that people need to come to their own conclusions. Each women is an expert in their own lives and should be given the time to make a decision that suits your individual circumstances. Though I am also learning that the offence has ramifications for us especially if we work with children or the health services like you said. I work with children and I am expected to separate from my partner. Which I have and that at this time is right for me as he is not ready to accept the situation. But I don’t want to think about divorce yet until the computer is back. That maybe wrong But it’s reassuring to hear there is no right or wrong and I need to do things in my own time. Xxx thanks so much for sharing your perspective jaded xx

Posted Wed January 30, 2019 7:35pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Thanks Bethlou,

yes he he has been able to rebuild a life, a different life but he’s working and earning. It never leaves him though, being called a paedophile on Facebook kinda does that to you.

Its been very difficult for me as the only skills I had was social work. The mental trauma has been terrible for both of us but he’s been better able to box it up and put it in the past.

He said from the outset he was innocent of what they said he’d done. How could he possibly know what they’d find? Some people who claim they’re innocent actually are. It’s almost impossible to prove innocence though and we just were exhausted by the time professional hearings (public) happened. We knew it was over for us as far as professions were concerned.

However whatever you say the authorities always have the ‘denial’ button to press.

Posted Wed January 30, 2019 9:11pmReport post


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December 2018

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We got the knock on the 10th April last year, we were told initially that it would take 4-6 weeks - if only!! He went to the police station on 31st July and was interviewed where he denied everything, of course! We then had to wait up to 6 weeks for the CPS to make their minds up as to whether they were going to prosecute. Because my husband and I had separated the police would tell me nothing due to data protection and my husband just lied to me! I only found out that he's been charged and the court date purely by accident otherwise he could have gone through everything and the first I would have known would have been if it hit the press!!

His trial is beginning of April so it'll be the year round before that part is done and I can start to move on with my life xx

Posted Thu January 31, 2019 8:42amReport post

Worried mother

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January 2019

7 posts


The uncertainty and waiting is definitely difficult. We got the knock mid January. My son is on bail at the moment. My partner and I have a holiday booked for July to celebrate our anniversary I am very reluctant to make any solid plans for this despite paying the deposit as I fear everything could be happening about the time we are due to go away in the summer. My son is due back at the station text week so we may get some answers then.

Love and hugs to you all


Posted Fri February 1, 2019 6:25pmReport post

Big sigh

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December 2018

244 posts

Police came beginning December and we have been told there will be a “review” in March. Not been charged so far. No idea what a review is! I am presuming an initial search was done and nothing found as my son’s phone was taken and has already been returned. Who knows - investigating officer has returned any of his solicitor’s calls.

Posted Fri February 1, 2019 6:41pmReport post

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

I meant “has not” returned calls

Posted Fri February 1, 2019 6:51pmReport post


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January 2019

11 posts

hi Bethlou,

The first time i went through this was when i found images on my work computer(i had my own business but it was compartmentulised for family use) that my then soon to be ex-husband had downloaded. I found them in June 2014, he didn't get to magistate court ( plea hearing) till Dec 2015. I think it depends on which force & how busy they are.

It didn't help as when i was clearing out ready to move i found 1 old computer & 1 laptop & numerous memory sticks. They had to be looked at too. The last one went in Jan 2015.

I havent been given any timeframe with my current expartner. I had the knock in dec 2018 I'm not concentrating on that knowing it could be a long wait. I'm not sure even if they'll tell if hes been charged or i will be told by someone having read it in the local paper when it goes to court. Im trying to concentrate on myself, getting my head straight with it happening to me twice.

Posted Fri February 1, 2019 8:45pmReport post

Quick exit