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Making the papers

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Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Tue March 23, 2021 2:48pmReport post

Where to the papers get ur address from? Is it from when you are arrested or when you are charge?

mu husband moved out the day of the knock he wasn't Arrested he is under investigation the police ask for his mums address as that is/where he moved to. Dose that mean my address wouldn't be used if it makes it to court. We have 2 children and I need to no that we will be safe in r house if it makes it to court. If my address was used then i would have to move as I wouldn't want my kids to have trouble at school but I wouldn't just be moving down the road it would be miles and miles away so that's y I haven't moved yet.


Member since
March 2021

3 posts

Posted Tue March 23, 2021 3:07pmReport post


I have been through this myself a fortnight ago,

I was assured by a MOSOVO officer, the head of my local police force I contacted and a solicitor that my address could not be printed in connection with my ex.

He moved out when arrested in Nov 2019 and in March 2021 the local press and the national press (as it went national due to the uniquie first time treatment he was sentenced to instead of a custodial) was printed.

Thankfully it was the street name, not the house number but I contacted the local paper immediately and they removed it from the digital news. It of course did still stand in the printed paper but thankfully most stuff is digital now.

The papers stated that the address came from the courts (not from where he was arrested at the time) and I wouldn't put it past my ex to tell the courts the wrong address but then having said that he has to register his address with the local police station as all sex offenders do so I still don't know how it happened. I have a one year old baby and was petrified but nothing came of it.

I can only reassure you that nothing came of it, it took less than a minute of dialogue with the papers to have the internet information changed and no on on the street did anything than smile at me and my baby as normal.

The fear is the worse thing but once the day passes it becomes yesterday's news xx

I would also like to add that they aren't meant to be published street names, just the town, so Steve of Townsville for example, not Steve of Steve Street, Townsville. I think I was very unlucky due to the high profile element, police officers had assured me it couldn't and I believe that's true.

Also they tend to publish a few days later. It had gone 72 hours before my story made the paper. I would recommend taking yourself of social media, I've found it my saviour for my health x

Autumn Gold

Member since
February 2021

25 posts

Posted Tue March 23, 2021 3:39pmReport post

The area we lived in was mentioned in the media after my husband's appearance at the magistrates court as well as my husband's new address. After the crown court appearance at first our address not the number was mentioned but the article was later updated with my husband's address where he was living. This was the part I dreaded and something out of our control what the papers printed. We just had to hope and pray that not a lot of people read the online news. We did not move and we are still in the same house; it's a worrying time but you do get through it.


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Tue March 23, 2021 5:04pmReport post


in my sons case only his address he was arrested from was mentioned in the paper. We moved in the hope that the new agrees would not be printed and it worked. The old address where he was arrested was printed even though it was in a different county to the one we moved to x


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Tue March 23, 2021 5:35pmReport post

I don't think there is any real consistency. I have seen both the old and new address reported in local newspaper articles. What I haven't seen the house number, just the street.


Member since
February 2021

35 posts

Posted Tue March 23, 2021 7:30pmReport post

This is something I worry about too. My partner moved out and I can't see how they should be putting his previous address (still my current address). Surely they should do their current address at the time in court!

I can't even imagine if they did my address. I don't think I'd have anyone target me or anything but I'd then have that extra seed of doubt and overthinking about who it is. Nobody knows and I still feel like everybody knows when I'm waiting for my children in the playground.



Member since
February 2021

70 posts

Posted Wed March 24, 2021 7:04amReport post

The area my ex has moved to was named and no mention of where we lived with us.
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