Family and Friends Forum

Feeling lost

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Member since
March 2021

13 posts

Posted Wed March 24, 2021 8:55amReport post

I've been separated from the X for nine years now but last October I got a phone call from the police to tell me my ex had been arrested on suspicion of downloading and that my 12 year old wasn't allowed contact with his father and social services would be in contact!!, he was realeast same day under investigation, I had two phone calls of social services in the first few weeks and nothing since of the police either. SS told me my lad could have supervised contact with his dad but I would have to arrange it so I made it very clear that I was not doing that after already raising concerns with the X partner son when we first seperated, he was 21 and texting my 13 year old daughter at the time, courts saw sense over a lot of issues including allowing contact with my children, son was young so was allowed to stay with dad on the Standard order whilst daughter was allowed to walk away. There was a lot of 'adult play' whilst we were married I know see how wrong this was and I've never been near another relationship since. So as you can see this has knocked me to the ground, I've had to tell my children everything but my son still idolises his dad and has really struggled through lockdown, he's struggled at school and has been caught in a situation where others have made his live he'll. I find myself now clicking on the local police page to see if he's been charged. The x came round last week to drop some things of for my son as if nothing has happed but my gut says he's guilty knowing what he was like before we seperated, I hope he isn't for my children's sake. I just don't know what I'm doing anymore I'm just taking each day 1 day at a time lol dosnt help with lockdown

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

528 posts

Posted Wed April 21, 2021 4:14pmReport post

Hello Skinty

Thank you for using the Family and Friends Forum. I can see that your family is going through a very difficult time at the moment. I hope that you receive some responses on this post from other forum members soon. I can see that you are in need of some additional support at the moment. You might find it helpful to give our Stop It Now! helpline (0808 1000 900) a call to discuss your situation further with one of our trained and empathetic helpline advisors. Sometimes speaking with someone independent of the situation can be really helpful.

In the mean time I would encourage that you consider contacting your GP to discuss any difficulties you may be experiencing emotionally or physically due to the difficulty of this situation. You may also want to discuss with your GP any concerns you may have about your children if they are particularly struggling at the moment.

I hope you are able to find the support you need. Take care

Best wishes,



Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Wed April 21, 2021 9:22pmReport post

Hi skinty

Welcome to the group that none wants to be in,,, but u are here and u have been brave to post it takes a lot to post. Take it hour by hour hun sending big hugs to u there is lots of support here,, have u tried the helpline hun. Its very hard hun but just try and take it slowly big hugs xxx