Family and Friends Forum

Our new normal

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Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Wed March 24, 2021 12:08pmReport post


I have been reading this forum for a year now and only just started to post.I still can't believe I'm here, the support that is given is amazing, I have found many of your posts useful. Thank you to the ones that help so many, and still going through so much.

My Hub been sentence for 3Cat C images in a deleted file. He had a community order for 2 years, unpaid hours and 5years on the Sor. First offence and extremely remorseful, has done courses and gets has much help as he can. Unfortunately it got in the media and social media. Ours was from the knock to the sentence 8 months in total, I say ours because I believe I serve the sentence too, has my life has changed completely.

My hub lost his job due to his contract conditions. It's like he punished over and over again.We have had no trouble from neighbours, I'm not sure who knows.

Some family members have been ok,some still don't know. There again I'm not sure who knows.

We have 3 grown up children and one of our daughters is married with her own children who my hub as not seen since the dreaded Knock.He has spoken to her and they chat alot, but for now she doesn't want him involved with the children due to worried about SS.

We are now trying to live a new normal, been together nearly 35 years so didn't want to throw all those years away.

I just wanted to say, at each stage I worried all the time, there is nothing I could do. I felt completely exhausted by it all. Has each day that goes by, I feel a little better. There is still the worry and now were slowly coming out of Lockdown. I'm waiting for the next round. I know we can do whatever is throw at us together.

By the way you are all amazing.


Edited Tue May 4, 2021 4:30pm


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Wed March 24, 2021 9:38pmReport post

Hi Anne

Thank you for sharing your story. You have done amazing to come through this the other side with your husband. You have real strength.

I like you had to brunt the media and social media picking up my now ex partners story. I also live with the anxst of who knows who doesn't know. It is like a continual ride on the roller-coaster of emotions I don't wish to be on!

I feel for your daughter that must be incredibly hard and for you as I'm sure you would love to furfil your grandparental roles but I guess that's the consequence of what has happened.

Never loose sight of how far you have come. How much strength it has taken to get to this day we are in and I'm sure this journey has made you stronger than ever.

Best of luck moving forward

Yazznan x


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Thu March 25, 2021 3:24pmReport post

Hi Yazznan

Thank you so much for your reply.

I have read some of your posts over the last few months. Im in awe of your strength, courage and support to help others.

I don't know what the future holds for us, as our future plans have changed drastically. For now I live month to month.

The media I know it's their job, just wish they report it differently.

I also wish you the best of luck moving forward

Take care X