Family and Friends Forum

Struggling mentally

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Member since
February 2021

20 posts

Posted Wed March 24, 2021 8:47pmReport post

Hi all,

I don't even really know why I've come here but I literally can not talk to anyone else about this.

My husband offended 3 years ago. We went through the whole process, courts, SS, conferences etc but I feel like this is still coming back to bite us in the ass!!

When the offence happened,he was asked to leave the family home... Fair enough... I then moved with our two children to a smaller social housing property as the private landlord wanted me out as they believed I couldn't afford the property on my own.... Fair enough.... My son's and I moved and have since had my husband move back home and have had a baby. We are now very overcrowded and struggling with our neighbors.

I received a call today about a house that would be perfect for us!! However it looks like we won't get it because of my husband's offence and my debts. I got in to so much debt when he left and have not be able to get above board since. I feel like I'm drowning.

He's been on a complete downer all day as he now feels like it's his fault. I'm trying to be as positive as I can but inside I'm hurting. I'm reasurring him that it's not his fault and I honestly don't blame him.

Sorry for such a pointless post. I just had to get it off of my mind.



Member since
February 2021

20 posts

Posted Wed March 24, 2021 9:30pmReport post

Hi, thank you for your reply....

No I'm actually in credit with my rent but still have about £30k of debt. Please don't judge,I'm ashamed of myself.

No the house isn't near a school but the way she was talking today, it was like she had already made up her mind that we were'nt going to get it.

She wants to talk to his probation officer and police officer who deals with his shpo also to find out the extent of his crime. I have already told her the truth.

He had 5 years on both the register and SHPO, 3 years probation, 100 hours community service and a fine.

We are good tennants and never any bother. I'm just so desperate to get out of here and to give my kids a good life. Lord knows they need and deserve it after everything they have been through!
