Family and Friends Forum

Lie detector test?

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Member since
January 2021

15 posts

Posted Fri March 26, 2021 10:25amReport post

Has anyone ever got their other half to take a lie detector test?

I know it sounds like something you would see on TV but I've been looking online and there are some Police forces that use it as part of their processes.

It can't be used in court but it has helped with investigations.

In my situation, over 15-years ago, my estranged husband went onto a downloading site to download music. He entered his credit cards into the site and he says what he did was find users with music he liked, click download all and then delete any files that didn't contain music.

He says he downloaded 100s of files but amongst that was 143 images of varying categories. He was told to plead guilty because there was no denying the facts that images were found but he wasn't told he wouldn't be able to have a child of his own.

The experience changed him and he went through depression but when I met him 10-years ago, he was different. He had always been open with me.

3-years ago, we got the knock on the door at 2am. A month later, it turned out he had been on a chat room and made up a story about a 12-year-old girl. The Police investigated it all and confirmed it was made up. He said he did it because another person at work found out, he was struggling with severe depression (suicidal) and stupidly did it to validate how he really felt.

SS are not allowing him unsupervised access based on what happened over 15 years ago, partly because he won't admit to doing it with intent. Estranged husband has always said he never did but admitted to the photos because they were there, he had deleted them because he never looked at them but hadn't notified the Police because he didn't know what was there.

His friend for over 20-years has always stood by him and he was open with me about the incident early on in our dating, so part of me wants to believe him.

I have suggested a lie detector test to him and he isn't against the idea but I wondered if anyone else had gone down that route?


Member since
January 2021

15 posts

Posted Fri March 26, 2021 1:30pmReport post

I get it, I guess it was more to also understand where his head is at with it all as well.

Almost some sort of clarity for me? I don't know, it's stressful but given decisions have been made and he has never been risk assessed, I was hoping it might help me...x


Member since
January 2021

15 posts

Posted Fri March 26, 2021 3:31pmReport post

That's the thing, we haven't lived together for 3 years now, it's more for some sort of peace of mind... even knowing it's only 60% accurate.

When I looked, the tests costs around £400 and risk assessments cost around £2500. Thanks, I'll have a google of him. xx