Family and Friends Forum

Magazine articles on the subject.

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sun March 28, 2021 8:46pmReport post

Something bothers me but it didn't do until I got the knock. I read a couple of magazines a week and I've noticed stories (I say stories because I feel they are) about how people tell how they are worried about a neighbour and About them being/living next door to there kids. These men have never been accusesed of anything but because someone has a bad feeling about them or what they could the stories still make it into press.
these men have lives and family's that could be ruined just because someone else thinks they may be an offender.
I feel magazines shouldn't be able to print these stories especially with no evidence.
sorry it's something that's been bothering me a while and needed to get it off my chest. Any magazine that printed one of these stories in the past I no longer bye now.


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Mon March 29, 2021 1:03pmReport post

Hi rusty

Wow that is like vigilante behaviour surely? Are they printing their names etc? Surely that can't be allowed, that's tarnishing someone's name without evidence. I think an email to the editor should be on the cards expressing concerns.

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