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Assessment done

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Member since
October 2020

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Posted Fri April 2, 2021 12:52pmReport post

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Edited Fri April 9, 2021 5:20pm

Autumn Gold

Member since
February 2021

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Posted Fri April 2, 2021 1:06pmReport post

Typical you wait for ages for SS to get back to you and then frustrate you even further because you can't get back to them as it is a Bank Holiday!!

We had the same assessment. What did the recommendations within the report say? Does it not say in your assessment that contact can be supervised in the home and how often it would take place? Our assessment stated how often it would take place; we didn't get supervised contact every day. We were then allocated a different SW once the assessment had been completed and then had to sign a schedule of expectations with the conditions of the supervised contact.


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Fri April 2, 2021 1:14pmReport post

At the moment we r on a cin plan and contact can only take place outside for as long as I like and for as many days as I like. We were aloud contact at my sister house on Christmas Day for the hole day 6am till 10pm!!! There is nothing in the assessment apart from that we are more then good enough to safeguard.. love the idea of ringing duty as they wouldn't have a clue could be funny!


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Fri April 2, 2021 1:46pmReport post

I wish I had the guts I would be a right mess on the phone and end up agreeing to wait till Tuesday.


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Sat April 3, 2021 6:13amReport post

I reiterate what Lee says, Definately always follow up with an email clarifying things as you have a paper trial then. Crikey the more I read on here about SS the more they frustrate me!. No consistency and not professional at all!. Yes they have a huge amount of work I imagine but it's there job they chose to do and train for!. The last time I spoke to the SW was 48 days ago!. I've had no paperwork, no emails, nothing!. All she did was a visit to our house and talk to me and my son. She said at the time she'd likely close the case but not heard a thing!.


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Tue April 6, 2021 9:05amReport post

Update supervise contact can now take place at home no time limits and the next cin meeting they will discuss about stepping away from us!!?


Member since
January 2021

144 posts

Posted Tue April 6, 2021 9:17pmReport post

I feel your frustration and I've started communicating more via email with my sw as I find I can be firmer in writing than on the phone. Also found my sw is nicer in reply via email as on the phone she frequently remarks that my husband could be waiting for an opportunity to abuse our children for example she said if I went to answer the door or had to run into another room to get something he could use that as a chance to abuse them. Even though they're not involved in his offences and there's never been a suggestion of abuse or in fact a contact offence. And all the years before this happened he never abused them when he did bedtime bath time or when I stayed away for a night with friends. Its like they want me to believe he is a predator but then they want me to supervise contact like that's okay. I've just done my safety plan and told her I want our contact in the community changing to home visits. Because we are freezing, and spending too much money on fuel, coffees crappy sandwiches and bags of food and snacks I prepare for the kids when I've got perfectly good food at home. So I sent it before Easter as she requested, she's now bogged off on annual leave. So Easter no visit at home for my kids, husband has this week off work and we are trying to meet at least every other day freezing cold again when all I want to do is say let's go home, let the kids eat a hot meal, have dinner together let them eat their easter eggs and watch a film with their dad.