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Cs came today

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Member since
October 2018

39 posts

So let me give the story quick ..

On the 2nd October I got the knock husband has been bailed to his mum's and I am left at home with the kids

The police did there investigation and he was ment to be in crown court for sentencing yesterday but now been moved to the 19th Feb did hit the papers and as you can Imagen people are giving me a very hard time had police out because of threats and house being targeted.

Well a soical work has come to see me today unannounced which is fine I have nothing to hide she said she was coming out to make sure I was awear of everything going on and I said yes I have phoned them many times for help and support from them and this is the first time they have ever been out to me. She didn't even know the court date had been moved. I had told her all the things I have in place to keep the children safe but yet trying to keep life as happy and normal for my children as possible if I can do with these narrow minded people causing me grief she seemed happy that I was safe guarding the children and said the police where happy I was doing everything fine so I am happy with that. I just feel like I have asked for help so much and they have never been much use but all of a sudden they turn up. I have made it very clear my children are my number one priority and keeping them safe and happy is what I am doing and will always do.

Sorry need to vent just feel like I am going to never see the end of the light I just want a fresh start and get my life back to normal. I love my kids they are my number one and always will be

Posted Fri February 1, 2019 11:49amReport post


Member since
September 2018

181 posts

So sorry to hear you are being given such a hard time. Just remember you have done nothing wrong and you are doing an amazing job looking out for your children’s best interests. I don’t think these people can possibly understand what hurt they are causing you and your family but you are not alone and we are near to listen when you need to express your frustration. Hope you can manage to find some happy times with your children in the days ahead. X

Posted Fri February 1, 2019 12:58pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Im sorry to hear you are still having a difficult time. I cannot understand why people would feel the need to harrass you and your children, people can be so cruel. I expected help and advice from social services but all they have done is cause problems. In 6 months they have done nothing to help, they know they have failed. Ive done more than has been asked of me and worked with them all the way. Im hopeful that my experience is not the norm and they will now act in a professional and supportive way. Im surprised you have only just heard from them, good job you are doing all you can to safe guard your kids. I feel its a little unfair to just turn up after all that time but im glad it all went well for you. I hope that after sentencing you are able to start to rebuild your life, hopefully people will also move on from harrassing you. It does worry me that people make threats etc, in my opinion it makes them worse than the offender they are so worried about sometimes. Its tough going through all this isnt it, i really hope things start to improve for you soon.

Posted Fri February 1, 2019 3:27pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hi Vic, I really feel for you. My husbands arrest was in local press as well as national. Compared to other cases his was minimal but his sentencing was in an open court so you can imagine everyone in there. He was removed for safety as the public were incredibly abusive. Thankfully I was not present for it.

I wish I could say the harassment will die down but I'm 4 years in and still get it. Luckily our children are still oblivious and have been kept safe. If you haven't already I recommend closing social media accounts as people can be cruel. With sentencing approaching it will likely be in the papers again and the last thing you need is someone tagging you in the stories.

It's so unfair that people have nothing better to do than attack those who weren't involved. They all have their own skeletons but fortunate enough not to have them in the papers.

You will get through it though, keep a record of anything that causes concern. If you are frightened or if someone approaches your property phone the police immediately. X

Posted Wed March 6, 2019 3:52amReport post

Quick exit