Family and Friends Forum


Member since
March 2021

11 posts

Hi, I am so confused! Seems like most people get arrested and bailed?? My partner was asked to go to station and then given an RUI. No arrest, no charges, no bail. He had a duty solicitor who even said it was strange than he wasn't arrested. My partner has said the only images they may find are possibly cat c - but they are of young women in pantyhose (that's his thing). Police only took the main family/work computer, no phones, laptops or anything else. We've been told they should finish looking at computer by end of next week; mind you they said that at beginning of March so not holding my breath!

Anyone else had RUI and not been charged/bailed?

Posted Sat April 10, 2021 1:16pmReport post


Member since
March 2021

11 posts

Thanks Lee1969. He has a solicitor who even herself said it was unusual not to have even been arrested by now. Basically partner was asked to go to talk to police at station, his solicitor was present, he answered all questions and then just told him he wasn't to come home. At no point did they actually arrest him or charge him. And I thought they would take all devices too. They never even asked about any other computers or phones. This only started because our daughter said to a teacher she saw an image (it definitely wasn't iioc) but now she's forgotten she said that and said something entirely different. The whole thing is one big stress.

Posted Sat April 10, 2021 3:41pmReport post


Member since
March 2021

11 posts

Thanks for that. The police came the day after he left home to collect his device - they said they weren't interested in any others. The computer they took is shared by everyone and wasn't new when we got it so he's stressing that there could be stuff on there that he knows nothing about. It's a waiting game!

Posted Sat April 10, 2021 6:40pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Hi the same sort of thing happened with us the police can to the house around lunch time ask to speak to husband I gave them his number and they left. They meet him in a motorway services ask for his phone didn't ask about any other phones or laptops he had to ring me in front of them to say he had sent messages to a 12 year old. And then they left! He wasn't ask to leave the family home but he did (back home now ss are done) I was told it would all be wrap up by xmas! But now being told due to covid backlog taking longer!! Like u no arrest no bail no charges and can carry on with his every day life. The police also told him some times men just make really stupid mistakes and not to worry!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted Sun April 11, 2021 8:22amReport post


Member since
March 2021

11 posts

Hi, this all started back at beginning of February, so compared to many we've not been on journey very long. We have ss involved as it was our daughter who made allegations about her dad - unfortunately she's got mhi and a lot of what she's said is completely untrue - but ss are involved until outcome of computer investigation. We've all used computer especially when kids were off school so anyone could have stuff on there. It's just frustrating when police give you an supposed time limit and at the last moment notify you it's still being investigated. I've told them I need the computer back for work - it's got all our business software on and clients will not simply pay us because we can't send invoices. The upshot now is that I've applied for UC only to be told because of forced separation I'm not entitled for housing benefit so I could end up losing my home; we are currently paying rent and b&b accommodation for partner as he's not allowed home.

Posted Sun April 11, 2021 11:36amReport post


Member since
March 2021

11 posts

Hi, a quick update .... the computer came back clean and we should get it returned to us this week. Such a relief. NOt out of the woods yet though as apparently generally chatting to your own child about any allegations is seen as abuse and if it went to court could be cited as perverting the course of justice. Basically my daughter wanted to change her original allegation and was upset ... me asking her what she wanted to say and write it down if she couldn't express herself properly is tantamount to abuse!! So when police spoke to her this morning and she mentioned that both me and her brother had talked to her they were not happy with me at all. I've been told that I failed to keep her safe even though I quite clearly said I had no idea he was talking to her. I've never asked her directly what happened, she's only spoken a couple of times of her own accord and yet I'm suddenly being accused of harming my daughter. NOw the ss are going to decide if a CIN or family protection plan needs to be put in place so it's a bittersweet feeling today.

Posted Tue April 13, 2021 7:33pm
Edited Tue April 13, 2021 7:34pmReport post

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