Family and Friends Forum

Trying to start over and repair bridges.

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Member since
April 2021

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Posted Sun April 11, 2021 3:31pmReport post

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Edited Thu April 15, 2021 3:33pm


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Tue April 13, 2021 12:20amReport post

I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation, so a couple of key points here is. Your brother is on a high spectrum do you think that this is why he did what he did? Case was closed with NFA which means either they didn't have enough evidence or it was off a low category.

Only you and your husband are able to make that choice but I believe everyone deserves a 2nd chance apart from extreme cases.

Your brother is getting on with his life which is a good thing are you really sure that you don't want to be apart of it ?

I don't understand why this would affect your father's job as this would of not been disclosed? As this was your brother not father ?

How old are your children ? Do they ask about there uncle ?

It is extremely difficult but he is obviously very sorry , you could allow some kind of contact in a phone call managed by yourself. Maybe call the lf helpline they maybe able to help more X


Member since
March 2021

354 posts

Posted Thu April 15, 2021 9:45amReport post


After reading your post I felt the need to reply to you. We have a member of our family who has high functioning autism and is currently being investigated for IIOC. This was very out of character for this member of our family very much like what you said about your brother and so was a complete shock to the family. He is also similar in age to your brother.

The fact that your brother has worked with the Lucy Faithfull Foundation is such a positive thing. If he did the Young Person's Inform Course with them, has he spoken with you the topics that he would have covered with them?

All I can say is that I have tried to research into how being on the autistic spectrum can make this group of individuals more vulnerable to accessing IIOC on the internet. For example in our situation the member of our family had no friends and choose to connect with the internet initially to find some friends in chatrooms and managed to go completely down the wrong path....

I do genuinely hope that sometime in the near future more research will be done between the possible links between autism and viewing IIOC's. I am currently reading a book by Tony Attwood, Isabelle Henault and Nick Dubin titled The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law to try and make sense of the situation and improve my understanding of how being on the spectrum may have contributed significantly to the situation we now find ourselves in.

If you haven't already spoken to the helpline about how you are feeling and the decisions you are trying to make , it maybe good to speak with them about your worries and concerns. They have good knowledge and understanding of all the different types of scenarios that families are facing in our situation that it may be useful for you to speak with them or email them if you prefer.

I hope my response is of some help to you and I wish you well for the future.