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Advice on potential prison sentence and other charges

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Member since
February 2021

22 posts

Posted Tue April 13, 2021 7:28pmReport post

Hello all,

So I'm only a couple of months in but it's looking like there's a chance that my partner may be arrested on a different offence - possession of drugs with intent to supply...

At the time he was arrested for iioc (currently released under investigation) he was trying to recover from a drug addiction but had a massive relapse , so the sheer amount makes it seem he was intending to supply too. I know he wasn't though, just very deep in the addiction.

I just wanted advice on what to put in place / to do if he does get arrested and sent to prison. We're not married, we don't own a house together but it's just anything that could help me prepare.

It's weird as I had always thought it would be months and months before this and had started to come to terms with it all and find happiness in most things , most days. But I had always thought of them finding something on his devices and that's what he would be charged for. But it's like I completely blanked out the other part in terms of the drugs and didn't even think about the potential consequences of that (which could be a lot worse - with several years in prison)

Has anyone else's partners been charged with another thing seperate to possession etc. of iioc?

We are technically broken up but in an in between state whilst we have both been trying to find new places to live. I had hoped that maybe in a year or so we could figure things out once they had charged him, but wasn't definitely sure on that. But now I'm worried it'll just be a matter of days before he's sent to prison. It's like all the hope I had that the worst wouldn't happen has been snatched away. I know what he did was terrible, but I do think he's a good person that did a very very bad thing, if that makes sense? I don't know that he will survive all of this.


Member since
February 2021

22 posts

Posted Thu April 15, 2021 2:35pmReport post

Hi ,

Thanks , I know this may have not been the best place to ask. It was one lots of class b and one lot of class c. I guess it would be better if it is all charged in one go, so neither him or the people that care about him have to go through it more than once.

I'm sorry you have had that happen to you, even on an allegation!

His solicitor seems very strongly anti police due to his experience of them in relation to the clients he has had. He has suggested our local police force are pretty bad when it comes to these things. For example, they're suggesting my partner is a threat to society which I just don't believe. I don't understand how they can make those sorts of judgements when they don't even know the person!


Member since
January 2021

50 posts

Posted Fri April 16, 2021 1:31pmReport post

Hi Sarah/Mel

If they deem him as a threat is there more to it? Does he have history with the police? If not supply is a more serious issue as can lead to alot of other crimes e.g usually linked with blades guns etc


Member since
January 2021

50 posts

Posted Sun April 18, 2021 11:50amReport post

Lee yes your right it when you see the police raids and usually they have blades etc linked. Although not in the case of this it seems but I think its why police take a stricter approach with supply due to where it can potentially lead and other crimes it can lead to.


Member since
January 2021

50 posts

Posted Sun April 18, 2021 11:51amReport post

Lee I do agree that addiction definitely needs more understanding and different approaches and more intervention earlier on