Family and Friends Forum

Letter to judge

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July 2020

43 posts

My partner and I are going to put together our letters for the judge this week. He's due back in magistrates court for sentencing in May. Possession of iioc (1 B 190 C)

his solicitor advised we both do letters to the judge. I was just wondering if anyone can say if we are on the right track...

mine will say that I feel he's a good man and that I have and will stick by him and support him to get over this and make sure he doesn't end up in the same situation again. I called he helpline the other day to try and get on the 'family of offenders' course. I have a consultation phonecall with them next week where I think after they will put me on a course date. We've left this part a bit late I feel, but I will put in my letter that I am going to do the course to help me understand why the offender commits these crimes and what I can do to help

I also asked when I called the helpline about the course for my partner. The lady didn't think there was one planned in soon and said it's best he works through the modules first on the stopitnow website .... so my partners letter will mention about working through these to understand more and how he is sorry etc

can anyone tell me - is there anything else we should add into our letters - OR anything above we should leave out? I'm really not sure as, like most people who find themselves in this situation it's not something I've had to do before

one more thing.... my partner still hasn't heard from probation about his probation report... does anyone know if this needs to be done in any particular amount of time before his sentencing appearance? He's asked his solicitor who said not to worry and he will chase it, but I'm stressing about the date at court getting back because of it! I really don't want this situation to drag out any longer than it has to as it's just felt like a grey cloud over us since the knock!

Posted Wed April 21, 2021 10:50amReport post


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

I think personally you need to add more in, I have written a draft your welcome to take some out of it if you would like ? Is this the 1st appearance at magistrates ? None of us want to be in this situation how horrible for us all.

Posted Wed April 21, 2021 12:45pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

I did a character reference for my partner and if you search 'character reference' in the forum Search you hopefully will see other examples and advice.

I was told to keep the letter no more than two sides of A4 and cover the following: a bit about myself, how I know the offender, what I knew of the offence, general description of the offender's character and mitigation circumstances (mental health history, changes in behaviour), evidence you have seen of remorse and rehabilitation.

I think it is good to show that you will provide support. But from what you have described I think there is lacking in mention in what he has done since the arrest to combat his behaviour/offending.

I was told the letter needed to read as a 'matter of fact'. So I would avoid saying things like you know he won't do it again, they are good person etc- the judge will not be looking for this from friends and family. Also avoid any wording on suggesting what sentence you think he deserves- this isn't valid for a letter to the judge.

It wasn't clear from the judge if our letters made any difference but it is worth giving it a go.

I believe as long as the probation report is completed by the court date then it should be proceed. But they can't sentence without one...

Posted Wed April 21, 2021 12:46pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Becky1234, that would be amazing please if there’s any way I could.. I really have no idea where to start? This is the second appearance at magistrates, it’s not going to crown court.

Majestictopaz, thanks so much for the tips - I will definitely search back a bit on the forum for more examples. Wow - 2 sides of a4 is a lot - I think I’d be stuck for ideas for 1! I actually find it really difficult in that he says they were downloaded in error (whilst downloading what he thought was regular porn from file sharing sites), so I find mitigating circumstances, mental health etc a bit tough to get around.

I’m not sure if the only thing I can really say about what he’s done since the knock is mentioning about working through these modules on the stop it now website? He won’t have completed the inform course by then so we can’t use that. He hasn’t seen a counsellor or anything - again I find it all a bit difficult if he didn’t actually intend to end up with these images? He has stopped using file sharing sites since his arrest and stopped watching porn - also, I have put a password protect on my laptop and only let him use it where I know what he’s doing - would things like this count towards us trying to stop it occurring again or not?

The solicitor had said for us to send our letters to him so he can see them first - so hopefully he’d let us know if there’s anything we shouldn’t have put in there before sending them onto the court

Posted Wed April 21, 2021 2:48pmReport post

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