Family and Friends Forum

Will this ever end?!

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Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Thu April 22, 2021 2:21amReport post

I wrote a character reference for my dad for when he will appear in front of the crown court.

What a thing to have to do! :(

he's has been charged with talking to a minor, sending 'photos' Of himself

2 images 1 cat A and 1 cat C and 8 extreme animal images.

he's 70 not in the best of health, no previous ever! So I'm assuming he will get a suspended sentence.

family is falling apart.

this case has ripped us all apart, my dad is not the same person lost a lot of weight and is very depressed, my sister is having a lot of panic attacks and my poor mum is devastated.

when will this be over?!

Anyone had similar story?!


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Thu April 22, 2021 8:23amReport post

Hi Luis, I'm so sorry that you are going through this. It is an awful journey, as Lee1969 says, regardless of details, the emotions are the same.
At this stage it is very scary, there is no way of predicting the outcome. I'm sorry to say it really does depend on the judge in the day, and what mood he/she is in! This seems very unjust!! The advice we had was to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I hope for a good outcome for you. Please try and talk to a helpline, you all need emotional support.xx


Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Thu April 22, 2021 2:22pmReport post

Hi both - yes been to magistrates last week pleaded guilty. If that's what you mean.

signed the register etc.

the solicitor sent a template with suggested things to include so that's what we have done.


Member since
March 2021

17 posts

Posted Thu April 22, 2021 4:08pmReport post

Hi Luis

just been through this with my brother, undoubtedly the hardest thing my family has had to deal with.

I would strongly recommend engaging with the stop it now team and sex addict anonymous as a start for your father, separate psychiatrist evaluation may also be a help.

as a 1st offender the court will look at his history, they will request background reports from social services also, I strongly suggest that he engages in this process.

you will find a common thread in this forum that those Who commit these offences are not in a good place to start with.

the feeling you have are what everyone on this forum has felt at one time or another, you are not alone in that. Last night was the 1st real sleep I have had in several months.

This was post my brother sentencing on Wednesday, one of the most stressful and emotional of days. My brother was very fortunate that these organisations have helped him massively in coming to terms with what he has done and a pathway to recovery.

I will say if it changes realatiosnhips and can created conflict, try and stay strong, some tough times ahead, but don't be afraid to use this forum as a crutch, been the only thing to get me through my darkest days...


Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Thu April 22, 2021 5:50pmReport post

Thank you to you all for taking time out to reply. It really helps.

I feel like I'm carrying everyone as everyone has lost clarity and logic and feel completely lost. thank god for my sisters kids they keep us all going.

yes I think he was not in a good place for a few years..not an excuse but I could see it.

I feel people who offend are escaping their reality for whatever reason.

I know this will kill him if he goes to prison and maybe my mum too.

Do people of 70 go to prison with health issues so bad?!
I mean no one was hurt, he did not murder anyone, he did not arrange to meet - thank god (whoever god is).

just silly chat - but I know it's dealt with seriously.
Im not sure prison is the right answer for anyone offending. and the families that are left to deal with this - omg no one can ever understand how we all feel.
The anxiety and stress has caused health problems in us all - some maybe longer term effects who knows.

yes you are right we need to tap into this support and counselling service - my sister is about to crack up!

and my mum well she's just flat, total devastation - I think we are all so worried the media will be there.
and I well that's a whole other level of devastation to deal with.
hoping covid will protect us and there will not me many present in the court room.

thank you so much again for replying. :)

and I hope you are all moving Foward in a positive way now with your own traumas