Family and Friends Forum

What's next?

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Fri April 23, 2021 7:43pmReport post

So husband has been charged with secual communication with a 12 year old (decoy) and inciting.

The DS contacted him today regarding sending him a letter I am assuming this will be his summons letter! How long is it normally between the letter date and first appearing in court. Solicitor and barrister want to do a lot of stuff before first court date and it seems the first appearance happens quite quickly.

He has character references, counsellor report, aspergers diagnosis report. But not sure if any of this will bloody help!

Is there any positive stories of outcomes from these sort of offences like no prison! Husband is willing to accept just about anything to avoid prison.

I am just so confused about next steps. Solicitor seems really positive with all the mitigating circumstances and previous husband had been sexually abused as a child which was never spoken about or really came out until a mental health asked him the question.

I can't cope if he goes to prison and neither will the kids! I am so scared!


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Fri April 23, 2021 8:49pmReport post

Hi hun

Welcome to the group none wants to be part of,, big hugs to.

My husband was talking to a a undercover police of posing as a father of a daughter,, we got the knock in October 2020 and he was keep in remained,, then went to court the end of November to pley hearing. Then 4 Feb 2021 was sentenced to 15 months in prison by this point he had all ready do 3 months so was left with 4 to serve. All device came back clear hes crime did not meet the threshold for a sexual crime and the pre sentence report told the judge about my husband manic depression and drinking and not taking his medication they gave two outcome custodial was one and the other was sepened sentence with SHPO and SOR. The Judy went for custodial I also did a letter to the judge about how I don't condone his behaviour,, how it has affected me and the kids,, what kind of person he is before all this. It's easier said than done cause I thro I would not get thro it but we have a month left now till he is released. We are here to help and support u hun and try to take each day at a time don't try and think any more into the future at this moment. Try and look after yourself and the kids,, they need to to be strong can I ask how old they are and if u have told them anything big hugs xxx ring the helpline to xxx