Family and Friends Forum

How long from being charged to sentencing and what happens nextv

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Member since
August 2019

9 posts


In September 2018 my ex partner got arrested. There have been no proper updates from the police, I have rang the detective a few times shes obviously been vague.

SS called me last week to say CPS had enough evidence, what happenes next? Any idea of approx time scale? I feel on the back foot all the time and really worried it will get in the press and that's how I'll find out

Thanks x

Posted Sat April 24, 2021 9:53amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Whilst my husband moved out immediately, we remained married. The police had no idea about whether we were still in a relationship or not, they did not talk to him at all after the first interview! I wasn't informed at any time in the process!! Nor do the prison service inform me of his moves!

Posted Sat April 24, 2021 12:08pmReport post

New and confused

Member since
September 2020

18 posts

I have never been told anything by the police or ss.

Ss closed our case as supervised visits when he was under investigation and I was never told of him being charged or court etc. Assuming they'll be in contact when he is convicted.

The police have never talked to him either charges were sent via email!

we are still together so I know What is going on otherwise wouldn't have a clue.

There was 8 months from arrest to charge in this case. Then magistrates and crown court to come within the next couple months hopefully then can find a way to move on

Posted Sat April 24, 2021 3:31pm
Edited Sat April 24, 2021 3:32pmReport post

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