Family and Friends Forum

Is It Over? Or Is This Just Another Long Journey?

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Member since
July 2020

8 posts

Posted Tue April 27, 2021 5:35pmReport post

Hi Ladies.

My Husbands Crown Court date was today!!!

It's been a HELLish 12 months and 6 days Since the Knock... My husband got a 2 year suspended sentence And he has to do 2 × 50 hour Sex Offending Courses. I am so totally relieved he hasn't gone to prison, We said our Goodbyes this morning when he left for Court through loads of tears. This year has been F*****g Hell.....My fears now are, Is it going to carry on once the media get hold of the cases from Crown Court today and goes in the local papers etc?

As if us wives/partners havent gone through enough already? Love and Hugs to you all.

Stay Strong ????


Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Tue April 27, 2021 5:55pmReport post

So happy you had a good outcome.

I am hoping the same for my dad in a few weeks.

what was your husband charged with?


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Tue April 27, 2021 7:35pmReport post

It's luck of the draw and where you live it seems with how people react to the media reporting IF it gets reported.

I am petrified if this comes out.

Could I ask what your husband offences were?



Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Tue April 27, 2021 9:09pmReport post

It has been about a year and half since my partner was sentenced. Time has flown so much, much better than when we were waiting to know the charges etc.

Thankfully the media didn't report, it is luck unfortunately. Our new normal is that my partner has regular meetings with probation, has to do courses such as emotional resilience (he already did the Lucy faithful course). Community service hours took forever to get sorted- mix of cancellations, only once a week and covid.

Best get an understanding of the requirements for SOR and SHPO e.g. need to register yearly and inform of bank details and key addresses etc. My best advice is to check with probation and police liaison for any situation you think they may need to know. My partner mentions each time we are over someone house staying over and small weekend trips.

If you are not comfortable with police looking at private messages between you and your partner I suggest keeping in mind they can request to look through devices at any time. My partner cannot delete anything so police may see things. They are super professional ofc and won't try to make it awkward.

Big hugs


Member since
January 2021

494 posts

Posted Wed April 28, 2021 8:26amReport post

LLR25, I'm so relieved for you too love!, bet you felt a bit of a weight off you after going to court. I really hope the media doesn't get involved, I hope for all the amazing strong women on here that the media don't get involved, in a way that's the thing I dread the most as I'm with my husband and will be supporting him through this horrible time. Like you say you've been through hell. The families don't derserve any more anxiety or heartbreak. Xx