Family and Friends Forum

New member of this group that no one wants to be in

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Member since
April 2021

5 posts

Posted Wed April 28, 2021 4:51amReport post

So we had the knock 2 days ago

someone had used Kik to talk to another adult about children.

One stupid, role played conversation where moh pretended to be a woman (he is a cross dresser which I know and am fine about) with 2 kids (he was asked what activity he had done with them).

The Children were made up, the act was made up, he has never and would never physically act upon it.

the arrest was for sexual activity with a child- which they now know does not exist. So what now?

his devices are being looked at, the officer said they had not found anything else yet.

he has been communicating with me and very remorseful. Willing to seek help for porn addiction and have monitoring software.

he swears he did not save any images but because of the nature of the site he obviously seen some, he never shared or forwarded any.

I have grandchildren so of course SS have been in touch and they are not allowed to stay over as a bail condition.

is there anyone with a similar situation? Adult to adult conversation

i seem to only find adult to child or multiple download experiences shared on here

i feel like I am in a whirlwind. Spinning out of control, dizzy, sick, I love him, I want to help but I need to know what I am signing on for! I am one of those people who needs info to be able to digest, a control freak who is freaking out at the lack of control!


Edited by moderator Thu April 29, 2021 2:54pm


Member since
April 2021

5 posts

Posted Wed April 28, 2021 5:50amReport post

Want to add that he never asked for images or anyone to do anything either.

Christ I cannot believe I am even having to write this stuff