Family and Friends Forum

In limbo

Member since
January 2021

55 posts

Posted Wed April 28, 2021 7:38pmReport post

Its a year ago today since the knock and my world fell apart. I just wanted to say to anyone that is just starting this nightmare journey that there is life after the knock.

I split up with my husband 3 months after he was arrested. He was recently told there were no charges due to lack of evidence. He is a computer wizard and had striped his computer down and managed to get rid of the evidence. However they said they know what he downloaded and that it was some of the worse images. It turns out he has had a porn addiction for 30 years and the reason his other marriages broke down before I met him.

I have had amazing support from family and freinds, but know not everyone on here is as lucky.

One year on and I have sold my house to be back with my family. My divorce is final on Friday and I am changing my name next week. My life has changed completely and I am not angry or bitter. In fact I can honestly say that i am a lot happier than i was before the knock. Of course I would not wish this journey on my worst enemy, but for me its the end of the road.

Finally I can say Yes I AM HAPPY and looking forwad to the future. I hope this helps others to realise life will get better and one day it will be the end of your journey and the beginning of another, better journey. Take care everyone xxx


Member since
December 2020

129 posts

Posted Wed April 28, 2021 11:06pmReport post

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Edited Sun May 2, 2021 11:24pm