Family and Friends Forum

Finally something good

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Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Tue February 5, 2019 10:01pmReport post

Hi guys

I just needed to share some good news at last, my husband had offered me £6,500 and him keep £46,000 or he would go after my share in my parents house which they had signed over to me and my brother several years ago.

Anyway, I heard from my solicitor today and he had absolutely no claim on my parents house so guys who's not accepting £6,500!!

He's got a plea hearing in court on Friday which I shall be at, I'm hoping he'll go guilty this time but have a feeling he won't!!


Edited by moderator Wed February 6, 2019 10:34am


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Wed February 6, 2019 1:18pmReport post

Tracey, that is good news and peace of mind for your mum and dad. Hope the divorce is a positive chapter. I will certainly be going down that route soon and can’t wait to get back to my maiden surname.

sending you love though I know you said it’s a difficult journey and there still more court dates to go.

Please continue to check in with us. I know I am benefiting from not feeling so isolated and that they are women and now men out there that get this is a life changing situation. Xxx


Member since
October 2018

57 posts

Posted Wed February 6, 2019 3:43pmReport post

Tracey thats fabulous news i hope that you get a fairer share. Its such a peace of mind knowing that their house is safe.

Bethlou i feel the same way. My divorce is finalised end of this month and its such a relief to know that itll be over and go back to my maidian name officially in all aspects of my life


Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Posted Thu February 14, 2019 2:37pmReport post

Sorry for the late reply, still trying to get used to the new layout!

That's fantastic. I still can't believe he is putting you through this knowing what he has done. It baffles me.