Family and Friends Forum

CROWN COURT - what happens?

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Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Thu April 29, 2021 3:28amReport post

hi all - my is attending crown court in 2 weeks.

I feel sick reading that back!

my mum is supporting Him and attending. My sister and brother in law have refused to attend.

I am out of the country - the other side of the world!

I don't think my mum should attend - maybe she will hear things she can't never erase from her mind?!

will everything be read out in crown court ? All the nitty gritty - he was talking to police decoy online - so I would think they will read the conversation out ?
does my mum need to hear that?

how does anyone get over that?

is it better she wait outside maybe?
but then I know she is worried that my dad could collapse in there.

he's lost over 2 stone since arrest.

Anyone attended crown court case?

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

445 posts

Posted Tue May 11, 2021 11:03pmReport post

Hello Luis,

Thank you for reaching out for some support and advice from the Family and Friends Forum. We have noticed that your post has not yet received a response from other forum users yet. It is positive that you have been able to access support from forum users on different threads, but I recognise how hard it may have been to write this post, so well done for doing so.

I understand from your post that this must be a very difficult time for yourself with being so far away from your family and for your family with the upcoming court appearance. It might be helpful to have more of an in-depth conversation about the questions you have at the moment, therefore, I would encourage you to contact us on our Stop It Now! helpline on 0808 1000 900 or our international number is +44 1372 847 161. One of our trained and non-judgmental advisors will then be able to discuss your questions with you further and provide some support and advice.

Take care,



Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Wed May 12, 2021 12:47pmReport post


I in my partner it was not read out cause plend guilty he was only in court for 5 mintures,,

I wish u all the support for u and ur family,, keep trying the helpline and keep coming here to talk xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Wed May 12, 2021 1:45pmReport post

My partner plead guilty to possession and distribution. I think it isn't consistent what is said in court for guilty pleas. For my partner they said the earliest evidence found (spanning ten years) and a brief description of the worst footage found....and tbh it still haunts me. They also explained how he was caught (was reported on a website, I assume a vigilante since it wasn't a police decoy).


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Thu May 13, 2021 10:58amReport post

Hi Luis

In my ex's case they did read out the details of the two worse videos and it was horrific that was 3 years ago and the images of what was happening to those little girls still play on my mind, I actually ended up in hospital last November with PTSD from it. But saying that it isn't always read out, it's hit or miss really. X


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu May 13, 2021 2:44pmReport post

Bless you Cher.

Looking back I was in the right mind set to even consider that the details would be read in court and I didn't find this forum until after sentencing.

I hope you got the help needed. I am too scared to repeat to anyone. When I am more financially stable I will consider at stop it now therapist. I know my coping mechanism is to kinda block it out but bottling up could lead to an explosion


Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Thu May 13, 2021 3:34pmReport post

Thanks for all your replies.

So it seems it's not consistent if the judge reads out or explains what exactly was found.

ive told my mum she will maybe be better to wait outside, but she said we have come this far .. I'll be fine I'll go in.

she's supported my dad and all of us through the the last 12 months of hell and I have no idea how she hasn't cracked - but I'm sure she has.

I really don't want her to go in.

but there is nothing I can do to stop her. :(