Family and Friends Forum

Did you go to court..?

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Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 5:28pmReport post

Just wondering if any of you ladies went to court with your partners?

mine has his sentencing appearance on Friday and doesn't seem to keen on me going with him (don't think he wants to put me through it), also not sure I'd necessarily be allowed in because of COVID? Has anyone been lately with their partners and been allowed in?

I didn't go to the plea hearing

im actually not keen on the thought of it all but feel I should/need to go to show support for him?

Edited Sun May 2, 2021 5:29pm


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 6:16pmReport post

No I didn't go....and to be honest I never considered it (even though I was supporting my husband) He also didn't want me to go. I really didn't want to risk being photographed either (a photographer wasn't there in the end). It's a tough decision to make....

big hug xx x


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 6:22pmReport post

Thanks for your advice!

thats how I feel, and I've also worried about being photographed whenever I've thought about it. I think I would find it a distressing experience, I just want them to know he has my support. I've done a letter for the judge so hopefully that will show my support regardless.

we are back in magistrates for the sentencing and he did say I wouldn't have been allowed in at the plea hearing due to the COVID restrictions - and whilst these have eased up now I still think it may be advisable to stay away still keeping COVID in mind too xx

Edited Sun May 2, 2021 6:26pm


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 6:42pmReport post

I didn't go to court. I decided not to even if I could. We have separated, but I still support him. But I knew I wouldn't have been able to cope. xx


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 7:14pmReport post


I Went to court with my husband, I went to pre sentence and back to magistrate. I was allowed in, had to sit where they put you. It was only 20 minutes.

I didn't hear anything else, he told me everything and they also read only what was on the charge sheet which I also read.

The media was the worst we only live in a small village and they made alot about it, on all social media. Thankfully we have had no trouble.

Take care of you



Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 8:09pmReport post

I had to get special permission and then on the day I decided not to, I waited outside. I had seen all the evidence pack and I was the one who found the iioc on his device so nothing had been hidden from me and many open and honest conversations had been had.
so you may need to get permission to attend before the date for appearance.


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 8:11pmReport post

I should add that I did go to the plea hearing and sat where I was put.


Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 8:24pmReport post

My dad is due in crown court in 2 weeks

my mum is going but I don't want her to have to listen to it all. Will they read out the conversation he had with decoy?
What happens??

my sister has refused to go.

and I am the other side of the world.


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Sun May 2, 2021 8:56pmReport post

I think it can vary a lot, but I know that some judges will pick up on the most horrendous details, others not so. Personally from what I have heard I think it's only worth going if you feel you haven't been told the truth, otherwise I wouldn't put yourself through it.


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Mon May 3, 2021 3:19pmReport post

I went to the sentencing pre covid. I went because I thought it might have been the last time I saw him and I also wanted to be involved as much as possible to stay informed.

As someone has already stated sometimes the judge will describe the worst evidence found, I didnt know this could occur. I won't say what was disclosed but I was in shock. It was worse than I thought. The judge said it was one of the worst cases they have faced ...

I didn't think about the risk of the media ...I didn't find the forum until after sentencing so in hindsight I would have appreciated advice beforehand. Thankfully no media were involved.

What annoyed me tho was that my full name was mentioned by the lawyer during the defence, I never gave them permission to mention me and there were people in the gallery I didn't want to know my name.

In the end he got suspended sentence but I couldn't look at him for a few days and I was ill thinking about the evidence disclosed.


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Tue May 4, 2021 7:19amReport post

Thank you all for the advice

I think I've made the decision to not go. I just hate the thought of him being there on his own, and I feel a bit guilty but I think going really wouldn't be a nice experience.

i don't feel I need to go because there's things I don't know - he's been honest from the start and I've seen the charges sheet anyway. He had multiple C images and 1 B (obviously this being the worst one). He's described the B image to me - he can't even remember seeing it but it's what the police officer described to him at his interview... so I don't necessarily think I'd get any shocks from the info that's given if I did go

Cannot wait until this next part is over

how long does the sentencing appearance take? Obviously longer than the plea one?

Edited Tue May 4, 2021 7:21am

Autumn Gold

Member since
February 2021

25 posts

Posted Tue May 4, 2021 12:05pmReport post

I went to the sentencing hearing just after the first lockdown but not the plea hearing. I did not go into the courtroom but just wanted to give moral support to my husband and to know the outcome so that I could prepare my son.

I waited outside the court room however noticed a person who I thought might be the clerk go past but as it turned out it was a reporter. The judge did find out I was waiting outside and did ask my husband if I wanted to go in but he knew I didn't.

The sentencing took about 40 minutes. My husband was given a suspended sentence. The reporter waited outside the courts with their photographer. I managed to get past them as I wasn't in the courtroom however my husband wasn't so lucky and it ended up in the media.